\n"; } } print "

Advocate(s) have been unassigned.

\n"; if (isset($_POST['s'])) { print '

Return to Advocate Listings

'; } printFooter(); exit; } if (!isset($_GET['s']) || ($_GET['s'] == "pid")) { $sortby = "`paperid`"; $pidsort="S-ID
" . $OC_sortImg; $psort='Submission'; $nsort='Advocate'; $aidsort='A-ID'; $_GET['s'] = 'pid'; } elseif ($_GET['s'] == "paper") { $sortby = "`title`"; $pidsort='S-ID'; $psort="Submission
" . $OC_sortImg; $nsort='Advocate'; $aidsort='A-ID'; } elseif ($_GET['s'] == "name") { $sortby = "`name_last`, `name_first`"; $pidsort='S-ID'; $psort='Submission'; $nsort="Advocate
" . $OC_sortImg; $aidsort='A-ID'; } elseif ($_GET['s'] == "aid") { $sortby = "`advocateid`"; $pidsort='S-ID'; $psort='Submission'; $nsort='Advocate'; $aidsort="A-ID
" . $OC_sortImg; } else { err("Unknown sort source"); } // Display Filter $aAR = array_keys($OC_acceptanceColorAR); $aAR[] = 'Pending'; print '
 '; if (count($subTypeAR) > 0) { print '  '; } print '

'; $q = "SELECT `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . "`.`paperid`, `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPERADVOCATE . "`.`advocateid`, `adv_recommendation`, CONCAT_WS(' ',`" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . "`.`name_first`,`" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . "`.`name_last`) AS `name`, `title` FROM `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . "` LEFT JOIN `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPERADVOCATE . "` ON `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . "`.`paperid`=`" . OCC_TABLE_PAPERADVOCATE . "`.`paperid` LEFT JOIN `" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . "` ON `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPERADVOCATE . "`.`advocateid`=`" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . "`.`reviewerid`"; switch($atype) { case '': break; case 'Pending': $q .= " WHERE (`" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . "`.`accepted`='' OR `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . "`.`accepted` IS NULL) "; break; default: $q .= " WHERE `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . "`.`accepted`='" . safeSQLstr($atype) . "' "; break; } switch($stype) { case '': break; default: $q .= (preg_match("/ WHERE /", $q) ? ' AND ' : ' WHERE ') . "`" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . "`.`type`='" . safeSQLstr($stype) . "' "; break; } $q .= " ORDER BY " . $sortby; $r = ocsql_query($q) or err("Unable to get information"); if (ocsql_num_rows($r) == 0) { print 'No advocates found.

'; } else { print '

Recom. – Show recommendation
Submission – Show Submission info
Advocate – Show Advocate info

'; $row = 1; while ($l = ocsql_fetch_array($r)) { print ''; if (empty($l['adv_recommendation'])) { print ""; } else { print ''; } print ''; if (empty($l['advocateid'])) { print ""; } else { print '' . ''; } print ""; if ($row==1) { $row=2; } else { $row=1; } } print '

Recom.' . $pidsort . '' . $psort . '' . $aidsort . '' . $nsort . '
 ' . safeHTMLstr($l['adv_recommendation']) . '' . safeHTMLstr($l['paperid']) . '' . safeHTMLstr($l['title']) . '   ' . safeHTMLstr($l['advocateid']) . '' . safeHTMLstr($l['name']) . '


'; } printFooter(); ?>