'; // Init arrays $OC_hooksAR = array(); $OC_cssAR = array(); $OC_jsAR = array(); $OC_extraHeaderAR = array(); $OC_onloadAR = array(); $OC_configAR = array(); $OC_statusAR = array(); $OC_modulesAR = array(); $OC_activeModulesAR = array(); $OC_languageAR = array(); // sanitize PHP_SELF $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] = htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); // Baseline version - set for install, updated from db below once installed $GLOBALS['OC_configAR']['OC_version'] = '5.x'; ### // Check whether it's home page or a subdir we're in if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == "openconf.php") { $pfx = ""; } else { $pfx = "../"; } define('OCC_LIB_DIR', $pfx . 'lib/'); // lib dir define('OCC_PLUGINS_DIR', $pfx . 'plugins/'); // plugins dir define('OCC_CONFIG_FILE', $pfx . 'config.php'); // config file location define('OCC_FORM_INC_FILE', $pfx . 'include-forms.inc'); // forms include file location define('OCC_SUBMISSION_INC_FILE', $pfx . 'author/submission.inc'); // submission include file define('OCC_REVIEW_INC_FILE', $pfx . 'review/review.inc'); // review include file define('OCC_COMMITTEE_INC_FILE', $pfx . 'review/committee.inc'); // review include file define('OCC_ZONE_FILE', OCC_LIB_DIR . 'zones/zones.php'); // time zone file location define('OCC_MIME_FILE', OCC_LIB_DIR . 'mime.php'); // mime types file location define('OCC_UTF8CASECONV_FILE', OCC_LIB_DIR . 'UTF8CaseConv.php'); // UTF8CaseConv file location define('SALT_LENGTH', 10); // password hash salt length /* DO NOT MODIFY THE LINE BELOW OR OTHERWISE FALSELY DEFINE OR MAKE UP OCC_LICENSE */ (file_exists($pfx . 'license.php') ? require_once($pfx . 'license.php') : define('OCC_LICENSE', 'Public')); // License type /* DO NOT MODIFY THE LINE ABOVE */ // Set OC_formatAR with mime types - moved to OCC_MIME_FILE in 4.00 require_once OCC_MIME_FILE; // Row Array - used for toggling row style $rowAR = array(); $rowAR[1] = 2; $rowAR[2] = 1; // Yes/No Array $yesNoAR = array( 1 => 'Yes', 0 => 'No' ); // Status Array $OC_statusValueAR = array( 1 => 'Open', 0 => 'Closed', ); // Context $OC_context = stream_context_create(array('http'=>array('timeout'=>20))); // Strip slashes if magic_gpc enabled function fix_magic_gpc(&$var) { if (is_array($var)) { array_walk($var, 'fix_magic_gpc'); } else { $var = stripslashes($var); } } if (ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc') || ini_get('magic_quotes_runtime')) { array_walk($_GET, 'fix_magic_gpc'); array_walk($_POST, 'fix_magic_gpc'); array_walk($_REQUEST, 'fix_magic_gpc'); // cookies & files are skipped as no relevant data \'d } // i18n routines function oc_($s, $d='') { // s|ource d|omain if (function_exists('gettext')) { if (!empty($d)) { return(dgettext($d, $s)); } else { return(_($s)); } } else { return($s); } /* elseif (empty($t)) { return(T_($s)); } else { return(T_dgettext($domain, $s)); } */ } function oc_n($s, $p, $c, $d='') { // s|ource p|lural c|ount d|omain if (function_exists('ngettext')) { if (!empty($d)) { return(dngettext($d, $s, $p, $c)); } else { return(ngettext($s, $p, $c)); } } elseif ($c > 1) { return $p; } else { return $s; } /* elseif (empty($d)) { return(T_ngettext($s, $p, $c)); } else { return(T_dngettext($d, $s, $p, $c)); } */ } // Returns a string with double-quotes (only) slashes function slashQuote($s) { return(preg_replace('/"/','\\"',$s)); } // Checks whether the script is close to timing out function oc_checkTimeout() { if (($GLOBALS['OC_timeStamp'] > 0) && ((time() - $GLOBALS['OC_timeStamp']) > ($GLOBALS['OC_maxRunTime'] - 5)) // timeout if within 5 seconds ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } // Returns a string containing define statements with an updated constant value function replaceConstantValue($constName, $newValue, &$string) { $string = preg_replace('/(define\("' . $constName . '",\s?"?).*?("?\);)/', '${1}' . slashQuote(stripslashes($newValue)) . '${2}', $string); } // Returns true/false on whether a named hook is set function oc_hookSet($hook) { if (isset($GLOBALS['OC_hooksAR'][$hook]) && !empty($GLOBALS['OC_hooksAR'][$hook])) { return true; } else { return false; } } // Adds a hook for additional functionality; typically used with modules function oc_addHook($name, $value) { if (!isset($GLOBALS['OC_hooksAR'][$name])) { // init if first hook for name $GLOBALS['OC_hooksAR'][$name] = array($value); } elseif (!in_array($value, $GLOBALS['OC_hooksAR'][$name])) { // add only if not duplicate $GLOBALS['OC_hooksAR'][$name][] = $value; } } // Add CSS file to be read in by header function oc_addCSS($file,$moduleId='') { if (!empty($moduleId)) { $GLOBALS['OC_cssAR'][] = 'modules/' . $moduleId . '/' . $file; } else { $GLOBALS['OC_cssAR'][] = $file; } } // Add JS file to be read in by header function oc_addJS($file,$moduleId='') { if (!empty($moduleId)) { $GLOBALS['OC_jsAR'][] = 'modules/' . $moduleId . '/' . $file; } else { $GLOBALS['OC_jsAR'][] = $file; } } // Add body onLoad to be included in header function oc_addOnLoad($js) { $GLOBALS['OC_onloadAR'][] = $js; } // Add extra headers function oc_addHeader($hdr) { $GLOBALS['OC_extraHeaderAR'][] = $hdr; } // Return the current or specified month name function oc_monthName($m='') { if (!empty($m)) { return(strftime('%B', mktime(12, 0, 0, $m))); } else { return(strftime('%B')); } } // Return an array of months function oc_getMonths($cal=0) { $calinfo = cal_info($cal); return($calinfo['months']); } // Returns an array of database tables function getTables() { $constAR = get_defined_constants(); preg_match_all("/(OCC_TABLE_\w+)/",implode('\0',array_keys($constAR)),$tAR); foreach ($tAR[0] as $t) { $tableAR[] = constant($t); } return($tableAR); } // hashPassword - returns a hash of $pw, including a salt function hashPassword($pw, $salt=NULL) { if ($salt === NULL) { $salt = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(),TRUE)), 0, SALT_LENGTH); } else { $salt = substr($salt,0,SALT_LENGTH); } return $salt . sha1($salt . $pw); } // newPassword - creates & returns a new random password function newPassword() { return(substr(md5(uniqid(rand(),TRUE)),5,rand(8,10))); } // Format number // $n = number of bytes function oc_formatNumber($n) { if ($n > 1048576) { // > 1 MB return(number_format(($n/1048576),1) . "MB"); } else { return(number_format(($n/1024),0) . "KB"); } } // Convert units function toMB($n) { if (preg_match("/^(\d+)(\w?)[bB]?$/",$n,$matches)) { switch (strtoupper($matches[2])) { case '': case 'B': return((($matches[1] >= 105000) ? (number_format(($matches[1]/1048576),1) . "MB") : (number_format(($matches[1]/1024),1) . "KB"))); break; case 'K': return((($matches[1] >= 103) ? (number_format(($matches[1]/1024),1) . "MB") : (number_format($matches[1],1) . "KB"))); break; case 'M': return($matches[1] . "MB"); break; } } return($n); } // Returns the value of a var if it exists in the specified array, or a default value // if safe=true and array value exists, it's returned safeHTMLstr() function varValue($varName, &$ar, $default='', $safe=false) { if (isset($ar[$varName])) { if ($safe) { return(safeHTMLstr($ar[$varName])); } else { return($ar[$varName]); } } return($default); } // Displays page header function printHeader($what, $function="0") { require_once $GLOBALS['pfx'] . (isset($GLOBALS['OC_configAR']['OC_headerFile']) ? $GLOBALS['OC_configAR']['OC_headerFile'] : 'header.php'); print '

'; if (isset($GLOBALS['OC_displayTop']) && !empty($GLOBALS['OC_displayTop'])) { print $GLOBALS['OC_displayTop']; } print '

' . $what . '

'; } // Displays page footer function printFooter() { global $pfx; print '


' . //T: %2s = OpenConf /* DO NOT REMOVE, ALTER, OR HIDE THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE */sprintf(oc_('Powered by %2$s®'), 'http://www.OpenConf.com', 'OpenConf') . '
' . //T: %1s-%2s = YYYY-YYYY, %4$s = Zakon Group LLC /* DO NOT REMOVE, ALTER, OR HIDE THIS COPYRIGHT NOTICE */sprintf(oc_('Copyright ©%1$s-%2$s %4$s'), '2002', '2012', 'http://www.ZakonGroup.com/technology/', 'Zakon Group LLC') . '

'; // include Google Analytics tag if it starts with