' . oc_('Fields not correctly filled out') . ''; } if (!isset($_POST['name']) || !preg_match("/\w/", $_POST['name']) || preg_match("/[\r\n]/", $_POST['name'])) { $err .= '
  • ' . oc_('Name field empty or invalid') . '
  • '; } if (!isset($_POST['liame']) || !validEmail(($_POST['liame'] = trim($_POST['liame']))) || preg_match("/[\r\n]/", $_POST['liame'])) { $err .= '
  • ' . oc_('Email field empty or invalid') . '
  • '; } if (!isset($_POST['subject']) || !preg_match("/\w/", $_POST['subject']) || preg_match("/[\r\n]/", $_POST['subject'])) { $err .= '
  • ' . oc_('Subject field empty or invalid') . '
  • '; } if (!isset($_POST['message']) || !preg_match("/\w/", $_POST['message'])) { $err .= '
  • ' . oc_('Message field empty or invalid') . '
  • '; } if (oc_hookSet('author-contact-validate')) { foreach ($GLOBALS['OC_hooksAR']['author-contact-validate'] as $hook) { require_once $hook; } } if (empty($err)) { $hdr = 'From: "' . $_POST['name'] . '" <' . $_POST['liame'] . ">\r\nReply-To: " . $_POST['liame']; if (! oc_mail($OC_configAR['OC_pcemail'], $_POST['subject'], $_POST['message'], $hdr)) { err(oc_('An error occurred sending out the email.')); } else { print '
    ' . oc_('Your message has been sent.') . '
    '; printFooter(); exit; } } } print '
    '; if (!empty($err)) { print ' '; if (oc_hookSet('author-contact-fields')) { foreach ($GLOBALS['OC_hooksAR']['author-contact-fields'] as $hook) { require_once $hook; } } print '
     ' . oc_('Please correct the following:') . '
      ' . $err . '

    '; } print '

    '; printFooter(); ?>