Lucrări publicate în reviste ştiinţifice

  1. Mihaela Morega, Simona Miclaus, Alina Machedon – “Analysis of the Electromagnetic Field in a Controlled Enclosure for Biological Dosimetry, Part 1 – Design and Validation of the Numerical Model”, Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. – Serie Electrotechn. et Energ., tome 53, no.2/2008, Romanian Academy Publishing House, ISSN: 0035-4066, p. 225-235
  2. Mihaela Morega, Alexandru Morega – “Analysis of the Electromagnetic Field in a Controlled Enclosure for Biological Dosimetry, Part 2 – EMF analysis of characteristic working conditions”, Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. – Serie Electrotechn. et Energ., tome 53, no.3/2008, Romanian Academy Publishing House, ISSN: 0035-4066
  3. Philippe J. Masson, Pascal Tixador, Juan C. Ordoñez, Alexandru Morega, Cesar A. Luongo, “Electro-Thermal Sizing Model for HTS Motor Design”,  IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity, Vol. 17, No. 2, June 2007, pp 1529-1532
  4. Daniel Mocanu, Alexandru M. Morega, Mihaela Morega – “Electrical Rhythms in Paced Cardiac Fibers”, Acta Electrotehnica, Special Issue (selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology, MediTech2007), vol. 48, nr. 4, 2007, p. 315-318, ISSN 1841-3323
  5. Mihaela Morega, Alexandru M. Morega, Marius Neagu – “Analysis of Electromagnetic and Thermal Coupled Fields in Microwave Therapy”, Acta Electrotehnica, Special Issue (selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Advancements of Medicine and Health Care through Technology, MediTech2007), vol. 48, nr. 4, 2007, p. 357-360, ISSN 1841-3323
  6. Mihaela Morega – “Orientarea si monitorizarea cercetarii in domeniul biocompatibilitatii electromagnetice prin programul European COST”, Buletinul ACER, nr. 15/2007, ISSN 1453-9055, p. 9-12
  7. Mihaela Morega - "Numerical Models for Microwave Dosimetry  in Human Tissue, Related to Wireless Applications", Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. Électrotechn. et Énerg., tome 51, nr. 2/2006, Romanian Academy Publishing House, ISSN: 0035-4066, p. 249-261
  8. Morega, Al.M. and Morega, Mihaela, “A FEM analysis of Magnetically induced biomagnetic fluid mixing”, Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. Electrotech. et Energ., tome 50, nr. 2/2005, Romanian Academy Publishing House, ISSN: 0035-4066, pp. 239-248.
  9. Morega, Al.M. and Bejan, A., “A Constructal Approach to the Optimal Design of Photovoltaic Cells”, Intl. Journal of Green Energy, 2, 3, pp. 233-242, 2005.
  10. Mocanu D., Kettenbach J., Eisenberg S., Morega Al.M., and Morega Mihaela – "Inverse Solutions in Electrocardiographic Imaging", Rev. Roumaine Sci. Techn. Electrotech. et Energ, tome 50, nr. 2/2005, Romanian Academy Publishing House, ISSN: 0035-4066, p.249-260
  11. Mihaela Morega - "Reglementari privind expunerea populatiei la camp electromagnetic in domeniul microundelor", Buletinul ACER, nr. 12/2005, ISSN 1453-9055, p. 7-15
  12. Mihaela Morega, Alina Machedon – "Observaţii referitoare la restricţiile de bază specificate in normele de limitare a expunerii umane la microunde", Buletinul ACER, nr. 13/2005, ISSN 1453-9055, p. 17-22
  13. Morega, Al.M. si Morega, Mihaela, “A constructal principle based optimal design for photovoltaic cell architectures”, Romanian J. of Physics, 49, Nos. 9-10, 2004, pp.919-936
  14. Morega Mihaela - "Stimularea prin inducţie electromagnetică - posibilităţi de optimizare constructivă a stimulatorului", Revista RAM Medica, nr. 5/2004
  15. Bajenaru E., Bucur Doina, Bucur C., Kostrakievici S., Modreanu M., Morega Al.M., Pasat S., Popescu M., Precup Felicia, Vesa C., “Echipament computerizat de precizie folosit in recuperarea articulara a membrului inferior”, Realizari RELANSIN, Electrotehnica, 2, 2003, pp. 29-43, Ed. Electra, Bucuresti. ISBN 973-8067-85-5
  16. Nishimura, T. and Morega, Al.M., "Influence of Lewis Number on Double-Diffusive Convection in a Square Cavity Filed with Binary Gas", Heat Transfer Assian Research (former Heat Transfer Japanese Research), pp. 85-97, 2003.
  17. Morega, Al.M., “Double Diffusive Convection by a Chebyshev Collocation Method”, in Studii de Termodinamica Aplicata, ed. V. Badescu and T. Prisecaru, Ed. Politehnica, 2003, p. 116, ISBN 9738449065.
  18. Morega, Al.M. and Morega, Mihaela, “A FEM model for thermoelectric and thermomagnetic effects”, Rev. Roumaine Sci. Techn. Electrotech. et Energ., tome 48, nr. 2-3/2003, Romanian Academy Publishing House, ISSN: 0035-4066, pp. 187-197.
  19. Nishimura, T., Bian, Y., Kunitsugu, K., and Morega, Al.M., “Fluid flow and mass transfer in a sinusoidal wavy-walled tube at moderate Reynolds numbers”, Trans. JSME, no.01-1378, pp. 2349-2353 (180-185), 2002.
  20. Nishimura, T. and Morega, Al.M., "Influence of Lewis Number on Double-Diffusive Convection in a Square Cavity Filed with Binary Gas", Heat Transfer Asian Research (former Heat Transfer Japanese Research), pp. 63-75, 2001.
  21. Morega, Al.M., “A numerical analysis of laminar transport processes in ducts with cross-sectional periodicity”, Analele Universitatii Bucuresti, ano L (2001), pp. 159-168.
  22. Nishimura, T., Ogata Y., Sakura, S., Morega, Al. M. and Gotoh, K., "Traveling plumes generated within a double-diffusive interface between counter shear flows", Phys. of Fluids, 12, 11, pp. 3078-3081, Nov. 2000.
  23. Nishimura, T. and Morega, Al.M., "Direct simulation of layer merging in a salt-stratified system", Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 37, pp. 323-341, 2000.
  24. Nishimura, T. and Morega, Al.M., "Oscillatory natural convection by combined heat and mass transfer", Trends Heat Mass & Momentum Transf., 6, pp. 51-62, 2000.
  25. Campo, A and Morega, Al.M., “A comparative study of three optimization schemes for an array of adjoining channels heated unilaterally and cooled by a developing laminar forced flow”, Int. J of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2000.
  26. Morega Mihaela – Design of coils for magnetic neural stimulation. Efficiency criteria and technical solutions. ACTA Electrotehnica, Cluj Napoca, vol. 41, nr. 1, 2000, p. 133-138
  27. Nishimura, T., Ogata Y., Sakura, S. and Morega, Al. M., "Interfacial breakdown of double-diffusive convective layers by a horizontal temperature gradient", Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., 42, pp. 1479-1489, 1999.
  28. Nishimura, T., Sakura, S. and Morega, Al.M., "Traveling plumes within a double-diffusive interface under a horizontal temperature gradient", pp. 9-11, no.16, Album of Visualization, The Visualization Society of Japan, ISSN 0919-4630, 1999.
  29. Nishimura, T, Wakamatsu, M. and Morega, Al. M., "Oscillatory double-diffusive convection in a rectangular enclosure with combined horizontal temperature and concentration gradients", Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., 41, no. 11, pp. 1601-1611, 1998.
  30. Morega, Al. M., Nishimura, T., Panaitescu, A. and Paceagiu B., "Magnetic field influence on double-diffusive convection transport processes", Rev. Roumaine Sci. Techn. Electrotech. et Energ., tome 43/1998, nr. 4, Romanian Academy Publishing House, ISSN: 0035-4066.
  31. Nishimura, T., Kunitsugu Koji, and Morega, Al. M., "Fluid mixing and mass transfer enhancement in grooved channels", J. of Enhanced Heat Transfer, vol. 5, pp. 23-37, 1998
  32. Nishimura, T. and Morega, Al.M., "Influence of Lewis Number on Double-Diffusive Convection in a Square Cavity Filed with Binary Gas", Trans. JSME, 64, 626 B, 10, pp. 3423-3429, 1998.
  33. Morega, Al. M., Lohan, F. and Minciunescu, P., "Preprocesor pentru un pachet de programe de element frontier 2-D", EEA-Electrotehnica, nr 1-2, 1997.
  34. Morega Mihaela - “Stimulatoare Cardiace Implantabile", Rev. Studii şi Cercetări de Biotehnologie, vol. 29-30/1997, p. 65-73
  35. Ledezma, G., Morega, Al. M. and Bejan, A, "Optimal spacing between pin fins with impinging flow", J. Heat Transfer, 118, pp. 570-577, 1996.
  36. Morega, Al. M. and Nishimura, T. "Double-diffusive convection by a Chebyshev collocation method", Technology Reports of Yamaguchi University, 5, pp. 259 - 276, 1996.
  37. Morega, Al. M., Ciocîrlan, B. and Minciunescu, P., "On optimal transcutaneous pacing; an electrokinetic approach", Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. Electrotech. et Energ., tome 41, nr. 1/1996, Romanian Academy Publishing House, ISSN: 0035-4066, pp. 13 – 22.
  38. Morega, Al. M., Mocanu, D. and Morega, Mihaela, "Eigenvalue cardiography", Rev. Roumaine Sci. Techn. Electrotech. et Energ., tome 41, nr. 2/1996, Romanian Academy Publishing House, ISSN: 0035-4066, pp. 169 - 178.
  39. Morega, Al. M., "An introduction to Duke University educational computing", Yamaguchi University Journal, no. 5, pp. 23 - 28, Ube, Japan, 1996.
  40. Morega Mihaela, Ofrim Cornelia, - "Modelare matematică şi experimentală a comportării electrice a celulei excitabile polarizate", Rev. EEA Electrotehnica, vol. 44/1996, nr. 7-8, p. 18-25.
  41. Morega, Mihaela., Morega, Al., M. “Procedeu tehnic si model matematic pentru stimularea pe cale magnetic a sistemului nervos”, EEA Electrotehnica, 44, nr. 9-10, 1996.
  42. Morega, Al. M., Bejan, A. and Lee, S. W., "Free stream cooling of a stack of parallel plates", Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 38, no. 3, pp. 519-531, 1995
  43. Morega, Al. M., Vargas, J. V. C. and Bejan, A., "Optimization of pulsating heaters in forced convection", Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 38, no. 16, pp. 2925-2934, 1995.
  44. Mocanu, C. I. and Morega, Al. M., "Electromagnetic energy and momentum theorems for nonlinear and moving media", Rev. Roumaine Sci. Techn. Electrotech. et Energ., 40, 1, pp. 3-14, 1995.
  45. Mocanu, C. I., Morega, Al. M., Morega, Mihaela, "On the difficulties of Thomas-Wigner Rotation", Hadronic Journal, 16, pp. 63 - 96, 1995 (citat în Phisics Abstracts ISSN 0036-8091, Science Abstracts, series A, 15th Sept. 1995).
  46. Bejan, A. and Morega, Al. M., "The optimal spacing of a stack of parallel plates cooled by turbulent forced convection", TN, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, 37, pp. 1045-1048, 1994.
  47. Bejan, A., Kim, S. J., Morega Al. M., and Lee, S. W., "The cooling of stacks of boards shielded by porous screens", Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, 1994.
  48. Morega, Al., M. and Morega, Mihaela, "Forced convection boundary layer with superposed magnetic field", Rev. Roumaine Sci. Techn. Electrotech. et Energ., tome 39, nr. 2/1994, Romanian Academy Publishing House, ISSN: 0035-4066, pp. 155-163.
  49. Morega, Al. M. and Bejan, A., "The optimal spacing of parallel boards with discrete heat sources cooled by laminar forced convection", Numerical Heat Transfer A, Applications, 25, pp. 373 - 392, 1994.
  50. Morega, Al., M. and Bejan, A., "Heatline visualization of forced convection in porous media", Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, 15, 1, pp. 42 - 47, 1994.
  51. Morega Mihaela - "Niveluri uzuale ale expunerii organismelor umane la câmpuri electrice şi magnetice", Rev. EEA Electrotehnica, vol. 42/1994, nr. 7, p. 9-16
  52. Morega Mihaela - "Câmpuri electrice şi magnetice de joasă frecvenţă aplicate sistemelor biologice", Rev. Studii şi Cercetări de Biotehnologie, vol. 26/1994, p. 16 - 28
  53. Bejan, A., and Morega, Al. M., "Optimal arrays of pin fins and plate fins in laminar forced convection", J. Heat Transfer, 115, pp. 75 - 81, 1993.
  54. Bejan, A., Morega Al. M., Lee, S. W. and Kim, S. J., "The cooling of a heat generating board inside a parallel-plate channel", Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, 14, 2, pp. 170 - 176, 1993.
  55. Morega, Al. M., Filip, Ana Maria, Bejan, A. and Tyvand, P. A., "Melting around a rotating shaft embedded in a phase-change material", Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 36, pp. 2499 - 2509, 1993.
  56. Morega, Al., M. and Bejan, A., "Heatline visualization of the forced convection laminar boundary layers", Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 30, pp. 3957 - 3967, 1993.
  57. Bejan, A. and Morega, Al. M., "Thermal contact resistance between two flat surfaces that squeeze a film of lubricant", TN, J. Heat Transfer, 36, pp. 763 - 767, 1993.
  58. Morega Mihaela, Ioan D., - "A Romanian Experience in Computer Aided Electromagnetic Education" - ACES Journal on Electromagnetic Education, vol. 8/1993, no.1, p. 125 - 137.
  59. Mocanu, C. I., Morega, Mihaela, Morega, Al. M., "On the Thomas Rotation Paradox", Hadronic Journal, 16, pp. 295 - 329, 1993.
  60. Morega Mihaela, Bejan A., - "Plate fins with variable thickness and height for air-cooled electronic modules", Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 37/1994, Suppl., p. 433 - 444.
  61. Morega, Al. M. and Minciunescu, P., "Electrostatic modeling of a cap-rod insulators family", Rev. Roumaine Sci. Techn. Electrotech. et Energ., tome 37, nr. 4/1992, Romanian Academy Publishing House, ISSN: 0035-4066, pp. 445 - 456.
  62. Morega, Al. M., "Magnetic field influence on the convective heat transfer in solidification processes. II", Rev. Roumaine Sci. Techn. Electrotech. et Energ., tome 33, nr. 2/1988, Romanian Academy Publishing House, ISSN: 0035-4066, pp. 155-166, 1988.
  63. Morega, Al. M., "The heatfunction approach to the thermo - magnetic convection of electroconductive melts", Rev. Roumaine Sci. Techn. Electrotech. et Energ., tome 33, nr. 4/1998, Romanian Academy Publishing House, ISSN: 0035-4066, pp. 359-368.


Lucrări susţinute la conferinţe şi simpozioane

  1. Mihaela Morega, Marius Neagu, Alexandru Morega – “Bidirectional Coupling of Electromagnetic and Thermal Processes in Radiofrequency Hyperthermia”, Proc. of the 12th Intl. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment - OPTIM 2008,  Brasov, Romania, May 2008, IEEE Catalog No. 08EX1996C, vol.1, ISBN 978-973-131-029-9,  pg. 257-262
  2. Hideo Kawahara, Alexandru Morega, Mihaela Morega, “Magnetic Field Control of Flow and Heat Transfer in Solidification Processes”, Proc. of the 12th Intl. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment - OPTIM 2008, Brasov, Romania, May 2008, IEEE Catalog No. 08EX1996C, vol.1 ISBN 978-973-131-029-9,  pg. 105-112
  3. Mihaela Morega, Simona Miclaus – “Electromagnetic Environment Generated in a TEM Cell for Biological Dosimetry Applications”, International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields, ISEF 2007, Prague, Czech Rep., Sept. 2007, Proceedings ISBN: 978-80-01-03784-3, 6 p.
  4. Mihaela Morega, Simona Miclaus – “Controlled  Exposure  of  Biological  Material  to Microwaves”, International Radiation Protection Agency-IRPA Regional Congress for Central and Eastern Europe, Brasov, Romania, Sept. 2007, 9 p.
  5. Mihaela Morega, Alexandru M. Morega – “Electromagnetic Field Analysis in a TEM Cell”, European COMSOL Conference 2007, Grenoble, France, October 2007, Proceedings vol. 1, p. 252-257
  6. A. M. Morega, , J.C. Ordonez, S. Faur, Mihaela Morega –A Magnetically Driven Micro-Mixing Device and its Numerical Analysis”, European COMSOL Conference 2007, Grenoble, France, October 2007, Proceedings vol. 2, p. 695-700
  7. Mihaela Morega, Simona Miclaus – “Model numeric pentru celula TEM”, Simpozionul Interdisciplinar de Compatibilitatea Electromagnetica, SICEM-2007, Bucuresti, noiembrie 2007
  8. Mihaela Morega, Alina Machedon – “Particularitati ale formularii modelelor numerice pentru studiul expunerii organismului uman la microunde”, Workshop on Human Exposure to Microwaves, Bucharest, Nov. 2006, Proceedings on CD-ROM, 20 p.
  9. Mihaela Morega, Alina Machedon – “Numerical Estimates of Basic Restrictions used to assess Human Exposure to Radio-Waves”,  The 3rd Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility, CEM 2006, Iasi, Romania, September 2006, Proceedings Ed. Printech, ISBN (10) 973-718-529-3, p. 54-60
  10. Daniel Mocanu, Mihaela Morega, Alexandru M. Morega – “A Simulation Study of Electrical Rhythms in a Paced Cardiac Fiber”, Fifth International Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, Constanta, Romania, September 2006, Proceedings Ed. Academiei Romane, ISBN 978-973-27-1641-0 p. 153-161
  11. Petrica Andrei Negoias, Alexandru M. Morega – “Constructal Optimization of Spherical Photovoltaic Cells”, Fifth International Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, Constanta, Romania, September 2006, Proceedings Ed. Academiei Romane, ISBN 978-973-27-1641-0 p. 163-172
  12. Anca Popescu, Alexandru M. Morega – “Computation of Postsinaptic Transmembrane Currents and Membrane Potential in the Nicotinic Synapse”, Fifth International Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, Constanta, Romania, September 2006, Proceedings Ed. Academiei Romane, ISBN 978-973-27-1641-0 p. 181-190
  13. Mihaela Morega, Alexandru Morega, Alina Machedon – “3D FEM model for localized SAR estimate in human exposure to microwaves”, The 7th EMC Europe International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Barcelona, Spain, September 2006, Proceedings ISBN: 84-689-9438-3, p. 301-306́
  14. Morega A.M., Ordonez J.C., Negoias P.A., Morega Mihaela, Hovsapian R. – “Optimal Electrical Design of Spherical Photovoltaic Cells”, COMSOL Conference, Prague, Czech Rep., Oct. 2006, 8 p
  15. Mihaela Morega, Laura Mogos, Marius Neagu, Alexandru Morega – “Optimal Design for Microwave Hyperthermia Applicator”, Intl. Conf. on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipment - OPTIM 2006, Brasov, Romania, May 2006, Proceedings, vol. I Electrotechnics, ISBN 973-635-703-1, 978-973-635-703-9, p. 219-224
  16. Cezara Nita, Alina Machedon, Mihaela Morega - "Discussion  on  Safety  Guidelines  for Human  Body  Exposure to High-frequency Electromagnetic Field", The 5th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Patras, Greece, July 2006, CD-ROM, paper S1.05
  17. Laura Mogos, Mihaela Morega - "Microwave Dosimetry and Design Solutions for Interstitial Hyperthermia Applicators", The 5th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, Patras, Greece, July 2006, CD-ROM, paper S4.13
  18. Alina Machedon, Mihaela Morega - "Penetration of the electromagnetic radiation in human body, when exposed in the near/far field conditions", The 5th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, July 2006, Patras, Greece, CD-ROM, paper S4.14
  19. Alexandru Morega, Sebastian Faur, Mihaela Morega – “Magnetic Field Control on Magnetic Fluid Micro-channel Flow”, Romanian FLUENT Users Group Meeting, Sinaia, Romania, March 31, 2006, Proceedings ISBN 973-718-443-2, 978-973-718-443-6, p. 94-99
  20. Morega Mihaela, Morega Al., Machedon Alina – “Simplified Numerical Models for Microwave Dosimetry in Human Tissue”, 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC'05&IFMBE, 20-25 nov. 2005, Praga, Rep. Ceha, IFMBE Proceedings CD-ROM, ISSN 1727-1983
  21. Morega Al., Morega Mihaela, Faur S. – “Magnetically Induced Biomagnetic Fluid Mixing FEM Model”, 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference EMBEC'05&IFMBE, 20-25 nov. 2005, Praga, Rep. Ceha, IFMBE Proceedings, CD-ROM ISSN 1727-1983
  22. Morega Mihaela, Machedon Alina, Neagu M. – „Dosimetric Estimates in Biological Tissue Exposed to Microwave Radiation in the Near Field of an Antenna”, Fourth International Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, 8-10 septembrie 2005, Constanta, Proceedings Ed. Academiei Romane
  23. Morega Al.M., Mocanu D., Neagu M., Morega Mihaela, Stelescu M., “Interferential Electrical Stimulation of Excitable Tissues”, Mathematical Modlling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, 3rd Workshop, 7-10 September, 2005, Constanta, Romania
  24. Popescu Anca, Morega Al.M., “Post-Synaptic Nicotinic Currents Triggered by the Acetylcholine Distribution within the Synaptic Cleft”, Mathematical Modlling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, 3rd Workshop, 7-10 September, 2005, Constanta, Romania
  25. Morega, Al.M., Faur, S.C., “A Mathematical Model of a Magnecticaly Driven Micro-Mixing Device and its Numerical Analysis”, Mathematical Modlling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, 3rd Workshop, 7-10 September, 2005, Constanta, Romania
  26. Negoias, A.P., Morega, Al.M., “Constructal Optimization of Spheral Photovoltaic Cells”, Mathematical Modlling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, 3rd Workshop, 7-10 September, 2005, Constanta, Romania
  27. Popescu, S., Morega, Al.M., Demetrescu Ioana, “Correlation between metallic materials surface preparation and biocompatibility”, The International Conference On Structural Analysis Of Advanced Materials, ICSAM 2005, September 15-17, Bucharest, 2005.
  28. Morega Mihaela, Machedon Alina - "EMF Penetration in Biological Tissue when Exposed in the Near Field of a Mobile Phone Antenna", 4th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, ATEE-2004, November 25-26, 2004, CD-ROM ISBN 973-7728-31-9
  29. Machedon Alina, Morega Mihaela - "Thermal Effects in Human Exposure to Microwaves" 4th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, ATEE-2004, November 25-26, 2004, CD-ROM ISBN 973-7728-31-9
  30. Samfirescu St., Morega Mihaela - "3D Reconstruction of Human Head for FEMLAB Analysis in the Exposure of Mobile Phone Users to Microwaves", 4th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, ATEE-2004, November 25-26, 2004, CD-ROM ISBN 973-7728-31-9
  31. Popescu Anca, Morega Al.M, “Acetylcholine Diffusion within the Synaptic Cleft”, ATEE-2004, November 25-26, 2004, CD-ROM ISBN 973-7728-31-9
  32. Faur, S.C., Morega, Al.M., “Magnetic mixing of a biomagnetic fluid”, ATEE-2004, November 25-26, 2004, CD-ROM ISBN 973-7728-31-9
  33. Neagu, M., Morega, Al.M., “Radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure and heating of human tissue”, ATEE-2004, November 25-26, 2004, CD-ROM ISBN 973-7728-31-9.
  34. Morega Mihaela, Machedon Alina, Samfirescu Stefan - "Dielectric Properties in Numerical Models of Biological Tissues for Applications in Microwave Dosimetry", 4th International Workshop Material for Electrotechnics, MMDE - 2004, 26-28 mai 2004, lucrarea D – O2 – D04, p. 250-255
  35. Morega Mihaela, Machedon Alina - "Numerical Models of Biological Tissues for Applications in Microwave Dosimetry", Third International Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, 27-30 mai 2004, Constanta, Proceedings ed. Academiei Romane, 2004, p.254-263.
  36. Negoias A., Machedon Alina, Morega Mihaela - "Evaluation of Dosimetric Parameters in Biological Tissues Exposed to Microwaves", Fourth European Symposium on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, June 2004, Patras, Grecia
  37. Morega Mihaela, Machedon Alina - “Dielectric Equivalent Properties for Nonhomogeneous Anatomical Structures”, 1st International Conference on Biomaterials and Medical Devices, BiomMed’04, Bucuresti, 5-7 Nov. 2004
  38. Capitanoiu, B, and Morega, Al.M., “Thermal efects of corrective Lasik surgery” ATEE-2004, November 25-26, 2004, CD-ROM ISBN 973-7728-31-9.
  39. Morega Al.M. and Morega Mihaela “A FEM simulation of biomagnetic fluid mixing”, BiomMed’04, Bucuresti, 5-7 Nov. 2004.
  40. Morega, Al.M. and Faur, S.C., “A FEM analysis of biomagnetic fluid mixing in a rectangular cavity induced by the action of a magnetic field”, Colocviul National de Mecanica Fluidelor si Aplicatiile ei, “Caius Iacob”, UPB, Fac. Energetica, Bucuresti, 15-16 Oct. 2004
  41. Morega Al.M. si Morega Mihaela, “Arhitecturi optimizate pe baza principiului constructal in designul celulelor fotovoltaice”, CNCSIS – Simpozionului National de Inginerie si Nanostiinte, Bucuresti, 23 aprilie 2004
  42. Faur, S. and Morega, Al.M., “A FEM analysis of biomagnetic fluid flow in a rectangular duct under the influence of a magnetic field”, 4th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering, June 25-27, 2004, Univ. of Patras Patras, Grecia, 2004.
  43. Popescu Anca and Morega Al.M., “Acetylcholine diffusion within the synaptic cleft – a numerical study”, Mathematical Modlling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, 3rd Workshop, 27-30 May, 2004, Constanta, Romania.
  44. Morega, Al.M. and Faur, S., “A numerical model for the blood flow – magnetic field interaction”, Mathematical Modeling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, 3rd Workshop, 27-30 May, 2004, Constanta, Romania.
  45. Capitanoiu, B. and Morega, Al.M. “Thermal effects of corrective of cornea laser surgery”, Mathematical Modeling of Environmental and Life Sciences Problems, 3rd Workshop, 27-30 May, 2004, Constanta, Romania.
  46. Morega Al.M. and Morega Mihaela, “A FEM Analysis of Thermoelectric and Thermomagnetic Phenomena of Solids”, OPTIM 2004, May 2004, Brasov, Romania.
  47. Morega, Al.M., and Nishimura, T., “Combined heat and mass double-diffusive natural convection”, ICHMT Int. Symposium Transient convective heat and mass transfer in single and two-phase flows, TRCON-03, 17-22 August 2003, key lecture, Cesme, Turkey.
  48. Marinoschi Gabriela and Morega Al.M., “Water infiltration”, 2nd Workshop on mathematical modeling of environmental and life sciences problems 4-5 July, 2003 Bucharest, Romania.
  49. Popescu Anca and Morega Al.M., “Current and voltage distribution within the synaptic cleft”, 2nd Workshop on mathematical modelling of environmental and life sciences problems 4-5 July, 2003 Bucharest, Romania.
  50. Marinoschi Gabriela and Morega Al.M., “On the boundary value problem of water infiltration into a nonhomogeneous unsaturated soil”, Annual Conference of the “Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, GAMM, March 24-28, 2003.
  51. Morega, Al. M. and Nishimura, T., “Double-diffusive convection in rectangular enclosures with magnetic field”, Proc. Workshop on Num. Methods in Fluid Mech. And Fluent Applications, Timisoara, May 22-23, 2003, pp. 212-221,Ed. Orizonturi Universitare, ISBN 973-638-022-X.
  52. Morega, Al.M., “Structuri optimale pentru aplicatii de inginerie electrica si macanica”, Electrotehnica – Solutii pentru dezvoltare durabila, TIB’2003, Bucuresti, 9 Oct. 2003
  53. Morega Mihaela, Machedon Alina - "Model matematic pentru studiul expunerii utilizatorilor de telefoane mobile la câmp electromagnetic", al II-lea Simpozion de Compatibilitate Electromagnetică, SICEM 2003, Bucureşti, 6 pagini, CD-ROM, ISBN 973 - 652 - 837 – 5 si conferinta in cadrul EMC Romanian Chapter
  54. Mocanu, D., J. Kettenbach, Eisenberg, S.R., Morega, Al.M. “A Total Variation Approach to Inverse Electrocardiography”, 2nd European Medical & Biological Engineering Conference, December 4-8, 2002, Paper no. 1339, Vienna.
  55. Morega Mihaela - "Minimization of Side Effects in Neural Magnetic Stimulation", Third European Symposium on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, August 2002, Patras, Grecia, vol. p. 24
  56. Morega, Al.M., “A FEM study on double-diffusive convection in rectangular enclosures”, FLUENT – UGM 2002, 31 Oct. – 1 Nov., 2002, Salonic, Greece.
  57. Morega, A.,M., Bejan, A., “The constructal approach to optimization volume to point conduction problems”, 1st Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Environmental Problems, Romanian Academy, Proceedings, pp.97-111, Ed. Academiei, ISBN 973-27-0934-0, 2002
  58. Mocanu, D., Kettenbach, J, Eisenberg, S.R. and Morega, Al.M., “A total variation approach to inverse electrocardiography”, ATEE’2000 Conference, POLITEHNICA Univ. of Bucharest, CD-ROM, 29 Noiembrie. 2002.
  59. Morega Mihaela, Machedon Alina - "Specific Conditions for EMF Modeling in Human Exposure from Mobile Phone Technology", Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering ATEE 2002, Bucureşti, Noiembrie 2002, 7 pagini, CD-ROM
  60. Samfirescu, C.S., Baboian, D, Capitanoiu, B, Morega, Al.M., “Segmentation and 3D Reconstruction in Medical Imaging”, ATEE’2000 Conference, POLITEHNICA Univ. of Bucharest, CD-ROM, 29 Noiembrie, 2002.
  61. Morega, Al.M. and Bejan, A., “A Constructal Approach To The Optimal Design Of Photovoltaic Cells And Modules”, OPTIM 2002, May 16- 17, 2002, Brasov, 1H.2, p. 251-256.
  62. Morega Mihaela, Morega, Al.M. and Machedon, A., “Biomedical Engineering as an Educational Option at the Faculty Of Electrical Engineering”, OPTIM 2002, May 16-17, 2002, 5Ed.5, p. 885-890.
  63. Morega, Al.M., Nishimura, T., “Laminar transport processes in ducts with cross-sectional periodicity”, Second Southeastern Europe Users Group Meeting, Bucharest 2001 (CD-ROM).
  64. Morega Al.M., Mocanu D. and Morega Mihaela, “A numerical approach to the 3d-reconstruction of the human thorax and the solution to the inverse problem of electrocardiography”, EUROSIM-BIOSIM 2001, Delft, Holland, paper 160.
  65. Morega Al. M., Mocanu D., Morega Mihaela – “A 3D Realistic ANSYS Finite Element Reconstruction of the Human Thorax for the Extraction of the Transfer Coefficients for Electrocardiographic Lead Vectors”, the 2000 ANSYS Inc. Conference and Exhibition, Aug 28-30, 2000, Pittsburgh, USA.
  66. Morega, Al.M., “Electrical engineering in medical applications – an interdisciplinary undergraduate program”, TABEMED 2-3 Iunie 2000, Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca.
  67. Samfirescu St. and Morega, Al.M.“A 3D anatomic reconstruction for ECGL/ECGP direct and inverse problems”, ATEE’2000 Conference, POLITEHNICA Univ. of Bucharest, pp. 173-178, Decemebr 2000.
  68. Morega, Al.M., and Bejan, A., “Constructal optimal design of the busbar and fingers network for photovoltaic cells and modules”, ATEE’2000 Conference, POLITEHNICA Univ. of Bucharest, Decemeber 2000.
  69. Morega Mihaela – “The Biopac System for Electrical Engineering Applications in Medicine”, Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering ATEE 2000, Bucureşti, Dec. 2000, vol. p. 156-159
  70. Morega Al.M., Mocanu D., Morega Mihaela - "A 3-D reconstruction model of the human thorax for solving the inverse problem in electrocardiography" (in Romanian), The National Symposium for Normal and Pathological Morphology, The Annual Session for Pathologic Anatomy, The "Victor Babes" Institute, Nov. 1999
  71. Nishimura, T., Morega, Al.M., Kunitsugu, K., and Sakura, S., “Direct simulation of double-diffusive convection in a salt-stratified system”, Proc. of the 5th ASME/JSME Joint Thermal Engineering Conference, March 15-19, San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 1-8, (AJTE99-6376), 1999.
  72. Morega Mihaela - "Câmpul magnetic static şi de foarte joasă frecvenţă în mediu", Simpozionul Biotehnologiile moderne şi problematica protecţiei mediului, Bucureşti, 24 aprilie 1998, vol., p. 33-42.
  73. Morega Mihaela - "Viaţa artificială - rezultat al modelării evoluţioniste", Simpozionul Actuatori în Bioinginerie - Bioetica şi religia în bioştiinţe; Biotehnologii actuale în agricultură, Bucureşti, 11 iunie 1999, vol., p. 36-40.
  74. Morega, Al. M. and Nishimura, T. “A spectral snalysis of the Lewis number influence on the double-diffusive convection of a binary gas”, The Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, IMA Conference on Mathematics in Heat Transfer, 29 June - 1 July 1998, pp. 243-250, University of Bradford, England.
  75. Mocanu, D. and Morega, Al.M., "The extraction of the transfer coefficient for unipolar and bipolar electrocardiographic leads by using a 3D realistic finite element model for the human thorax", Advanced in Electrical Engineering, POLITEHNICA Univ. of Bucharest, 4-5 December 1998.
  76. Mocanu D., Ioan Anca and Morega Al.M., "A comparative analysis of the Laplacian and potential inverse electrocardiographies", Advanced in Electrical Engineering, POLITEHNICA Univ. of Bucharest, 4-5 December 1998.
  77. Morega Mihaela, Băran Ileana - "International Guidelines for Human Exposure to Hertzian Electromagnetic Fields", Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering ATEE '98, Bucuresti, 4 Dec. 1998, vol. p. 169-174.
  78. Nishimura, T. and Morega, Al. M., “Influence of Lewis number on double-diffusive convection in a square cavity filled with binary gas”, 10th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Kyoto, Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, pp. 173-178, 1997, Japan.
  79. Minciunescu, P. and Morega, Al. M. “Boundary Elements Method for Multi-Region Problems”, 11th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, COMPUMAG, Rio de Janeiro, Nov. 2 - 6, 1997, Brazil.
  80. Morega Mihaela - "Very Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields in Human Life Environment. Health Risks and Socio-Economic Implications", Proc. International Conference on Electro-Heat, ICEH '96, 28-29 nov. 1996, Sibiu, p. 223-230.
  81. Morega Al. M., Ciocîrlan B., Morega Mihaela and Hâncea Oana, "Magnetic excitation of heart", Proc. 18th Annual International Conference IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, October 31 - November 3, 1996, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (CD-ROM, ISBN 90-901-0005-9- (CD-ROM) SOE 9609001).
  82. Morega Al. M., Mocanu D., Morega Mihaela and Stefan Anca, "A dynamic model for cardiac defibrillation", Proc. 18th Annual International Conference IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, October 31 - November 3, 1996, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (CD-ROM, ISBN 90-901-0005-9-(CD-ROM) SOE 9609001).
  83. Morega, Al. M. and Nishimura, T., "Double diffusive convection by a Chebyshev collocation method", Proc. 14th Symposium on Turbulent Flows in Nishi-Nippon, Annual Summer Symposium, Japan, (4 pages) 1996.
  84. Nishimura, T., Kunitsugu, K. and Morega, Al. M., "Fluid mixing and mass transfer enhancement in grooved channels for pulsatile flow", Proc. of the 3rd KSME-JSME Thermal Engineering Conference, Oct. 20-23, Kyongju, Korea, pp. I-471-476, 1996.
  85. Morega Al. M., Mocanu D. and Morega Mihaela "A spectral approach to the cardiography", Proc. of The 12th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, ACES, the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA, 1996, Biomedical Electromagnetics Section of the Proceedings, p. 1320-1326.
  86. Morega Al. M., Ciocîrlan B. and Morega Mihaela, "Optimal transcutaneous pacing", Proc. of The 12th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, ACES, the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA, USA, 1996, Biomedical Electromagnetics Section of the Proceedings, p. 1326-1333.
  87. Morega Al., M., Mocanu D., Morega Mihaela si Stefan Anca, "Un model dinamic pentru defibrilarea cardiaca extracutanata", Sesiunea Jubiliara a 75- a Aniversare a Facultatii de Electrotehnica, Decembrie 1996, pp. 197 - 203, 1996.
  88. Morega Mihaela - "Optimizarea geometriei bobinelor inductoare în stimularea magnetică neuro-motorie", Conferinţa Internaţională de Transformatoare Electrice CITE'96, Bucureşti, 9 - 10 Mai, 1996, Secţiunea TT, Lucrarea TT 7, p. TT30 - TT33
  89. Mocanu, C. I., Morega, Al. M., "Proprietati dinamice ale câmpului electromagnetic - bilantul energetic", Sesiunea Jubiliara de Comunicari Electrotehnica - prezent si perspective, ICPE, Bucuresti, Octombrie 1995 (lucrarea invitata, 7 pagini, sesiune plenara, publicata în volum).
  90. Mocanu, C. I. and Morega, Al. M., "Electromagnetic energy balance", the First International Workshop on Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, Politehnica University of Bucharest, 30 Iunie - 2 Iulie 1994.
  91. Morega Mihaela - "Major areas in Romanian computational electromagnetic research and development", International Forum, Reports from International Regional Representatives concerning topics of technical importance in each region, Proceedings of the 7th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Special Issue. ACES' 91, The Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, California, USA, martie 1991, p. 5-6.



1. Morega, Al.M., ed. "Introducere in imagistica medicala", ISBN 973-685-469-8, MatrixRom, 2002.

2. Morega, Al.M., "Principles of Heat Transfer", Chapter VII in "Mechanical Engineer’s Handbook", Ed. D.B. Marghitu, Academic Press 2001, ISBN: 012471370X, pp. 446-557.

3. Morega Mihaela, Morega Al.M., Gheorghe Adina Andreea, Machedon Alina, "Probleme de Bioinginerie. Modele numerice", MatrixRom, ISBN – 973-685-321-7, 160 pp, 2001.

4. Vasiliu, St., Morega, Al.M.,Vasiliu, M., "Field Analysis and Modelling. Laboratory works", UPB, 1999.

5. Morega Mihaela - "Bioelectromagnetism", 246 pagini, Ed. Matrix Rom, Bucureşti, 1999, ISBN 973-685-056-0.

6. Manoliu V. – "Elemente de proiectare si modelare in bioinginerie – indrumar de aplicatii", 79 pagini, UPB, 1999

7. Morega Mihaela si Morega Al. M., "Modelare în bioinginerie. Îndrumar de aplicatii", 80 pp., UPB, 1998.

8. Morega, Al. M. "Modelare numerica pentru probleme la limita în inginerie", 338 pp., MatrixRom, ISBN 973-9390-05-6, 1998

9. Morega, Al. M. "Elemente de modelare numerica pentru probleme la limita - Manual pentru studenti", 233 pp., Editura UPB, 1997.

10. Morega, Al. M. "Optimal Geometries of Electronic Packages Cooled by Forced Convection", catalog 9404279, 154 pp. Duke University Microfilms Inc. USA, 1993.