'title' => ($OC_configAR['OC_PROGRAM_titleCaps'] ? ucwords(strtolower($l['title'])) : $l['title']),
'format' => $l['format'],
'abstract' => $l['abstract'],
'discussant_name' => $l['discussant_name'],
'discussant_affiliation' => $l['discussant_affiliation']
// Session authors
$q = "SELECT `" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . "`.`paperid`, `" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . "`.`name_last`, `" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . "`.`name_first`, `" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . "`.`organization`, `" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . "`.`country` FROM `" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . "`, `" . OCC_TABLE_MODULE_OC_PROGRAM_SESSIONPAPERS . "` WHERE `" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . "`.`paperid`=`" . OCC_TABLE_MODULE_OC_PROGRAM_SESSIONPAPERS . "`.`paperid` ORDER BY `" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . "`.`paperid`, `" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . "`.`position`";
$r = ocsql_query($q) or die("Unable to retrieve authors");
$sessionPaperAuthorAR = array();
$countriesAR = array();
$orgAR = array();
while ($l = ocsql_fetch_assoc($r)) {
$sessionPaperAuthorAR[$l['paperid']][] = array(
'name_first' => trim($l['name_first']),
'name_last' => trim($l['name_last']),
'name' => trim($l['name_first']) . ' ' . trim($l['name_last']),
'country' => (isset($OC_countryAR[$l['country']]) ? $OC_countryAR[$l['country']] : $l['country']),
'organization' => trim($l['organization'])
if (!in_array($l['country'], $countriesAR) && !empty($l['country'])) {
$countriesAR[] = $l['country'];
if (!in_array($l['organization'], $orgAR) && !empty($l['organization'])) {
$orgAR[] = $l['organization'];
if (count($countriesAR) > 1) {
$incCountry = true;
} else {
$incCountry = false;
if (count($orgAR) > 1) {
$incOrg = true;
} else {
$incOrg = false;
// Time Slots / Sessions
$q = "SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(`date`, '%m/%d/%Y') AS `fdate`, DATE_FORMAT(`start_time`, '" . (($OC_configAR['OC_PROGRAM_timeFormat'] == 12) ? '%l:%i%p' : '%k:%i') . "') AS `ftime`, DATE_FORMAT(`date`, '%W') AS `weekday` FROM " . OCC_TABLE_MODULE_OC_PROGRAM_SESSIONS . " ORDER BY `date`, `start_time`, `end_time`, ISNULL(`session_order`), `session_order` ASC, `title`";
$sessions = ocsql_query($q) or die("Unable to retrieve sessions");
if (ocsql_num_rows($sessions) == 0) {
print 'The program is not ready yet';
print 'Ext.data.JsonP.feedCb({
"proposals": [
$currdate = '';
$currtimeslot = '';
while ($timeslot = ocsql_fetch_assoc($sessions)) {
$info = '';
if (isset($timeslot['page']) && !empty($timeslot['page'])) {
$info = $timeslot['page'];
} elseif (isset($timeslot['info']) && !empty($timeslot['info'])) {
$info = $timeslot['info'];
if (!empty($info)) {
if (!preg_match("/\<[^\r\n\<]+\>/",$info)) {
$info = nl2br(safeHTMLstr($info));
$info = preg_replace("/\r?\n\r?\n/", "
", $info);
$info = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", " ", $info);
$info = preg_replace("/\"/", "\\\"", $info);
$info = preg_replace('/[\200-\237]|\240|[\241-\377]/', '', $info); // strip out Unicode special chars
#$info = '
' . $info;
print ' {
"topics": [
"room": "' . addslashes(safeHTMLstr($timeslot['room'])) . '",
"end_time": "' . safeHTMLstr($timeslot['date'] . 'T' . $timeslot['end_time']) . '",
"description": "' . addslashes((($OC_configAR['OC_PROGRAM_sessionChair'] && isset($timeslot['chair_name']) && !empty($timeslot['chair_name'])) ? safeHTMLstr($timeslot['chair_name']) . ((isset($timeslot['chair_affiliation']) && !empty($timeslot['chair_affiliation'])) ? (', ' . safeHTMLstr($timeslot['chair_affiliation'])) : '') : '')) . '",
"title": "' . addslashes(safeHTMLstr($timeslot['title'])) . '",
"url": "",
"date": "' . safeHTMLstr($timeslot['date']) . '",
"info": "' . $info . '",
"speakers": [
// papers
if (isset($sessionPaperAR[$timeslot['sessionid']])) {
foreach ($sessionPaperAR[$timeslot['sessionid']] as $paper) {
$authors = '';
$authorsOrg = '';
if (isset($sessionPaperAuthorAR[$paper['paperid']])) {
foreach ($sessionPaperAuthorAR[$paper['paperid']] as $author) {
$authors .= safeHTMLstr($author['name']);
$authorsOrg .= safeHTMLstr($author['name']);
#if ($OC_configAR['OC_PROGRAM_listAuthorAffiliation'] && !empty($author['organization'])) {
# $authorsOrg .= ', ' . safeHTMLstr($author['organization'] . ', ' . $author['country']);
if ($incOrg) {
$authorsOrg .= (!empty($author['organization']) ? (', ' . safeHTMLstr($author['organization'])) : '');
if ($incCountry) {
$authorsOrg .= (!empty($author['country']) ? (', ' . safeHTMLstr($author['country'])) : '');
$authors .= "; ";
$authorsOrg .= "
$authors = rtrim($authors, "; ");
#$abstract = preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\n", addslashes(safeHTMLstr($paper['abstract'])));
$abstract = preg_replace("/\r?\n\r?\n/", "
", addslashes(safeHTMLstr($paper['abstract'])));
$abstract = preg_replace("/[\r\n]+/", " ", $abstract);
$abstract = preg_replace('/[\200-\237]|\240|[\241-\377]/', '', $abstract); // strip out Unicode special chars
preg_match("/(\p{L})/", $paper['title'], $match);
if (isset($match[1])) { $sort = strtoupper($match[1]); }
else { $sort = 'Z'; }
print ' {
"icon": null,
"title": "' . addslashes(safeHTMLstr($paper['title'])) . '",
"sort": "' . safeHTMLstr($sort) . '",
"authors": "' . addslashes(safeHTMLstr($authors)) . '",
"authorsorg": "' . addslashes($authorsOrg) . '",
"first_name": "' . $sessionPaperAuthorAR[$paper['paperid']][0]['name_first'] . ' ",
"photo": null,
"position": "",
"name": "' . addslashes(safeHTMLstr($sessionPaperAuthorAR[$paper['paperid']][0]['name'])) . '",
"affiliation": "' . (($OC_configAR['OC_PROGRAM_listAuthorAffiliation'] && !empty($sessionPaperAuthorAR[$paper['paperid']][0]['organization'])) ? addslashes(safeHTMLstr($sessionPaperAuthorAR[$paper['paperid']][0]['organization'])) : '') . '",
"url": "",
"bio": "' . $abstract . '",
"id": ' . $paper['paperid'] . ',
"twitter": null,
"last_name": "' . $sessionPaperAuthorAR[$paper['paperid']][0]['name_last'] . '"
print ' ],
"proposal_type": "' . addslashes(safeHTMLstr($timeslot['type'])) . '",
"id": ' . $sid++ . ',
"time": "' . safeHTMLstr($timeslot['date'] . 'T' . $timeslot['start_time']) . '",
"pretty_time": "' . safeHTMLstr(strtolower($timeslot['ftime'])) . '",
"day": "' . safeHTMLstr($timeslot['weekday'] . ', ' . $timeslot['date']) . '"
print ' ]