'; if (!OCC_INSTALL_COMPLETE && isset($_REQUEST['install']) && ($_REQUEST['install'] == 1)) { require_once "install-include.php"; $token = ''; } else { beginChairSession(); printHeader("Configuration", 1); $token = $_SESSION[OCC_SESSION_VAR_NAME]['chairtoken']; // Display active modules config if (isset($OC_activeModulesAR) && !empty($OC_activeModulesAR)) { $modules = array(); foreach ($OC_activeModulesAR as $module) { if (is_file('../modules/' . $module . '/settings.inc')) { $modules[$module] = $OC_modulesAR[$module]['name']; } } asort($modules); $moduleOptions = ''; foreach ($modules as $mid => $mname) { $moduleOptions .= ''; } if (!empty($moduleOptions)) { print '

Config Module:

'; } } } // YesNo fields $yesNoFieldsAR = array('OC_notifyIncludeIP', 'OC_reviewerReadPapers', 'OC_reviewerSeeAssignedReviews', 'OC_reviewerCompleteBeforeSAR', 'OC_reviewerSeeOtherReviews', 'OC_reviewerSeeOtherReviewers', 'OC_reviewerSeeAuthors', 'OC_advocateReadPapers', 'OC_advocateSeeOtherReviews', 'OC_advocateSeeAuthors', 'OC_paperAdvocates', 'OC_editAcceptedOnly', 'OC_authorOneContact'); // Notification array $notifyAR = array( 'OC_notifyAuthorSubmit' => OCC_WORD_AUTHOR . ' makes a submission', 'OC_notifyAuthorEdit' => OCC_WORD_AUTHOR . ' updates (edits) submission', 'OC_notifyAuthorEmailPapers' => OCC_WORD_AUTHOR . ' requests own submission list emailed', 'OC_notifyAuthorUpload' => OCC_WORD_AUTHOR . ' uploads a file', 'OC_notifyAuthorReset' => OCC_WORD_AUTHOR . ' requests password reset', 'OC_notifyAuthorWithdraw' => OCC_WORD_AUTHOR . ' withdraws submission', 'OC_notifyReviewerSignup' => 'Committee member signs up for account', 'OC_notifyReviewerProfileUpdate' => 'Committee member updates profile', 'OC_notifyReviewerReset' => 'Committee member resets password', 'OC_notifyReviewerEmailUsername' => 'Committee member requests username emailed' ); // Fields that may be updated through this form $settingsAR = array_merge($yesNoFieldsAR, array_keys($notifyAR), array( 'OC_confNameFull', 'OC_confName', 'OC_confURL', 'OC_headerImage', 'OC_homePageNotice', 'OC_pcemail', 'OC_confirmmail', 'OC_keycode_reviewer', 'OC_reviewerSignUpNotice', 'OC_committeeFooter', 'OC_keycode_program', 'OC_programSignUpNotice', 'startid', 'OC_paperSubNote', 'OC_subConfirmNotice', 'OC_authorsMinDisplay', 'OC_authorsMax', 'OC_extar', 'OC_locales', 'OC_localeDefault', 'OC_timeZone' )); // Allow submission start ID to change? if (($air = ocsql_query("SELECT COUNT(`paperid`) AS `count` FROM `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . "`")) && ($ail = ocsql_fetch_assoc($air)) && ($ail['count'] == 0) && ($air = ocsql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS WHERE `name`='" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . "'")) && (ocsql_num_rows($air) == 1) && ($ail = ocsql_fetch_assoc($air)) ) { $startid = $ail['Auto_increment']; } // Submission? $e = array(); if (isset($_POST['submit']) && ($_POST['submit'] == "Save Settings")) { // Check for valid submission if (OCC_INSTALL_COMPLETE && !validToken('chair')) { warn('Invalid submission', $hdr, $hdrfn); } // Check input if (!isset($_POST['OC_confName']) || !preg_match("/\w/", $_POST['OC_confName'])) { $e[] = 'Event Short Name must include at least one alphanumeric character'; } if (!isset($_POST['OC_confNameFull']) || !preg_match("/\w/", $_POST['OC_confNameFull'])) { $e[] = 'Event Full Name must include at least one alphanumeric character'; } if (isset($_POST['OC_confURL']) && !empty($_POST['OC_confURL']) && !preg_match("/^(?:https?:\/\/|\/)/i", $_POST['OC_confURL'])) { $e[] = 'Event Web Address should start with http:// or https:// (if on another server) or / (for local server)'; } if (isset($_POST['OC_headerImage']) && !empty($_POST['OC_headerImage']) && !preg_match("/^(?:https?:\/\/|\/)/i", $_POST['OC_headerImage'])) { $e[] = 'Header Image should start with http:// or https:// (if on another server) or / (if on local server)'; } if (!isset($_POST['OC_pcemail'])) { $e[] = OCC_WORD_CHAIR . ' Email address invalid.'; } elseif (preg_match("/,/", $_POST['OC_pcemail'])) { // Multiple addresses $cmAR = explode(",", $_POST['OC_pcemail']); foreach ($cmAR as $cm) { $cm = trim($cm); if (!validEmail($cm)) { $e[] = OCC_WORD_CHAIR . ' Email does not appear to be valid'; break; } } } elseif (!validEmail($_POST['OC_pcemail'])) { // Single address $e[] = OCC_WORD_CHAIR . ' Email does not appear to be valid'; } if (!isset($_POST['OC_confirmmail'])) { $e[] = 'Notification Email address invalid. Try setting it the same as the ' . OCC_WORD_CHAIR . ' Email'; } elseif (preg_match("/,/", $_POST['OC_confirmmail'])) { // Multiple addresses $cmAR = explode(",", $_POST['OC_confirmmail']); foreach ($cmAR as $cm) { $cm = trim($cm); if (!validEmail($cm)) { $e[] = 'Notification Email does not appear to be valid'; break; } } } elseif (!validEmail($_POST['OC_confirmmail'])) { // Single address $e[] = 'Notification Email does not appear to be valid'; } if (isset($_POST['startid']) && ! preg_match("/^[1-9]\d*$/", $_POST['startid'])) { $e[] = 'Submission Starting ID invalid'; } if (isset($_POST['OC_authorsMinDisplay'])) { if (! preg_match("/^[1-9][0-9]?$/", $_POST['OC_authorsMinDisplay'])) { $e[] = 'Min Authors to Display must be a number between 1-99'; } elseif (isset($_POST['OC_authorsMax']) && ($_POST['OC_authorsMinDisplay'] > $_POST['OC_authorsMax'] )) { $e[] = 'Min Authors must be less than or equal to the Max Authors Allowed value'; } } if (isset($_POST['OC_authorsMax']) && ! preg_match("/^[1-9][0-9]?$/", $_POST['OC_authorsMax'])) { $e[] = 'Max Authors Allowed must be a number between 1-99'; } if (!isset($_POST['OC_extar']) || count($_POST['OC_extar']) == 0) { $e[] = 'Select at least one file format'; } else { // check formats are valid foreach ($_POST['OC_extar'] as $fmat) { if (!isset($OC_formatAR[$fmat])) { $e[] = 'Invalid format selected'; continue; } } } $notifyKeysAR = array_keys($notifyAR); foreach ($notifyKeysAR as $nk) { if (!isset($_POST[$nk])) { $_POST[$nk] = 0; } elseif (!preg_match("/^[01]$/", $_POST[$nk])) { $e[] = 'Invalid notification selection'; continue; } } foreach ($yesNoFieldsAR as $ynf) { if (!isset($_POST[$ynf]) || !isset($yesNoAR[$_POST[$ynf]])) { $e[] = 'Invalid option (' . safeHTMLstr($ynf) . ')'; } } if (!isset($_POST['OC_timeZone']) || !in_array($_POST['OC_timeZone'], $OC_zoneAR)) { $e[] = 'Time Zone is invalid'; } if (!isset($_POST['OC_locales']) || empty($_POST['OC_locales']) || !is_array($_POST['OC_locales'])) { $e[] = 'At least one language must be selected'; $_POST['OC_locales'] = array(); } else { if (!isset($_POST['OC_localeDefault']) || !isset($OC_languageAR[$_POST['OC_localeDefault']])) { $e[] = 'Default Language is invalid'; } elseif (!in_array($_POST['OC_localeDefault'], $_POST['OC_locales'])) { $_POST['OC_locales'][] = $_POST['OC_localeDefault']; // auto-select default language } foreach ($_POST['OC_locales'] as $locale) { if (!isset($OC_languageAR[$locale])) { $e[] = 'Invalid locale selected: ' . safeHTMLstr($locale); } } } if (empty($e)) { // Update form's OC_ fields $_POST['OC_extar'] = implode(',', $_POST['OC_extar']); $_POST['OC_locales'] = implode(',', $_POST['OC_locales']); foreach (array_keys($_POST) as $p) { if (preg_match("/^OC_[\w-]+$/", $p) && in_array($p, $settingsAR) && isset($OC_configAR[$p]) && ($OC_configAR[$p] != $_POST[$p])) { updateConfigSetting($p, $_POST[$p], 'OC'); $OC_configAR[$p] = $_POST[$p]; } } // Auto increment? if (isset($startid) && ($startid != $_POST['startid'])) { ocsql_query("ALTER TABLE `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . "` AUTO_INCREMENT=" . (int) $_POST['startid']); } // if install, redirect if (isset($_REQUEST['install']) && ($_REQUEST['install'] == 1)) { header("Location: set_topics.php?install=1"); exit; } print '

Configuration successfully updated

'; // reset special vars to array $_POST['OC_extar'] = explode(',', $OC_configAR['OC_extar']); $_POST['OC_locales'] = explode(',', $OC_configAR['OC_locales']); } } else { // not submit; init POST with config values $_POST = $OC_configAR; $_POST['OC_locales'] = explode(',', $OC_configAR['OC_locales']); // Allow submission auto increment to be set? if (isset($startid)) { $_POST['startid'] = $startid; } } if ((!OCC_INSTALL_COMPLETE) && isset($_REQUEST['install']) && ($_REQUEST['install'] == 1)) { printHeader($hdr,$hdrfn); print '

Step 3 of 5: Tailor Configuration Settings

'; } if (!empty($e)) { print '
Please correct the following:
'; } if (!preg_match("/^OpenConf/", $OC_configAR['OC_confNameFull']) && (OCC_LICENSE != 'Public')) { $checkName = true; print ' '; } else { $checkName = false; } print '
'; if ((!OCC_INSTALL_COMPLETE) && isset($_REQUEST['install'])) { print ' '; } print ' '; if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { print '

Make desired changes, then click Save Settings button

'; } print '
Event (collapse)
'; if ((OCC_LICENSE != 'Public') && defined('OCC_LICENSE_EVENT') && !defined('OCHS')) { print '
' . safeHTMLstr(OCC_LICENSE_EVENT) . '
For an entity or year other than the one listed above, please purchase and install a new OpenConf license.
Each license permits a single installation of the OpenConf software.
'; } print '
Event name used on Web pages and in email messages
Event abbreviated name, primarily used in email subject lines
Full web address (including http:// ) for event web page
Full web address (including http:// ) for image to display atop every page. Leave blank to display event full name
Email & Notification (collapse)
Used for the From header of outgoing messages, as the general contact email address, and in case of errors or other follow-up. Although a comma-delimited list of addresses (without spaces) is permitted, this is not recommended as mail servers may reject messages with more than one.
Receives a copy of confirmation emails sent to ' . oc_strtolower(OCC_WORD_AUTHOR) . 's and committee members; see options below. A comma-delimited list of addresses (without spaces) is permitted.
'; foreach ($notifyAR as $nk => $nv) { print '
'; } print '

Include IP address in notifications?

' . generateRadioOptions('OC_notifyIncludeIP', $yesNoAR, $_POST['OC_notifyIncludeIP']) . '
Reviewers (collapse)
Keycode for signing up as a review committee member. May enter a comma-delimited list (no spaces).
Allow reviewers to view all submissions?
' . generateRadioOptions('OC_reviewerReadPapers', $yesNoAR, $_POST['OC_reviewerReadPapers']) . '
Allow reviewers to see others\' review of assigned submissions?
' .generateRadioOptions('OC_reviewerSeeAssignedReviews', $yesNoAR, $_POST['OC_reviewerSeeAssignedReviews']) . '
Only allow reviewer to see reviews of assigned submissions if own is complete?
' . generateRadioOptions('OC_reviewerCompleteBeforeSAR', $yesNoAR, $_POST['OC_reviewerCompleteBeforeSAR']) . '
Allow reviewer to see reviews of non-assigned submissions?
' . generateRadioOptions('OC_reviewerSeeOtherReviews', $yesNoAR, $_POST['OC_reviewerSeeOtherReviews']) . '
Allow reviewers to see each other\'s information? (e.g., name, email)
' . generateRadioOptions('OC_reviewerSeeOtherReviewers', $yesNoAR, $_POST['OC_reviewerSeeOtherReviewers']) . '
Allow reviewers to see ' . oc_strtolower(OCC_WORD_AUTHOR) . 's (i.e., non-blind reviews)?
' . generateRadioOptions('OC_reviewerSeeAuthors', $yesNoAR, $_POST['OC_reviewerSeeAuthors']) . '
Advocates (Program Committee) (collapse)
' . generateRadioOptions('OC_paperAdvocates', $yesNoAR, $_POST['OC_paperAdvocates'], 1, 'onclick="oc_showHideDiv(\'OC_paperAdvocates1\', \'advocates\')"') . '
Select whether to make use of Advocates
Keycode for signing up as a program committee member. May enter a comma-delimited list (no spaces).
Allow advocates to view all submissions?
' . generateRadioOptions('OC_advocateReadPapers', $yesNoAR, $_POST['OC_advocateReadPapers']) . '
Allow advocates to see reviews of non-assigned submissions?
' . generateRadioOptions('OC_advocateSeeOtherReviews', $yesNoAR, $_POST['OC_advocateSeeOtherReviews']) . '
Allow advocates to see ' . oc_strtolower(OCC_WORD_AUTHOR) . 's?
' . generateRadioOptions('OC_advocateSeeAuthors', $yesNoAR, $_POST['OC_advocateSeeAuthors']) . '
NOTE: Reviewer permissions are evaluated before advocate\'s
Submissions (collapse)
'; // Allow submission ID auto increment value? if (isset($_POST['startid'])) { print '
Starting ID for submissions. Available only if there are no submissions in the system.
'; } print '
Minimum number of authors to display on submission form
Maximum number of authors allowed per submission (max: 99)
' . generateRadioOptions('OC_authorOneContact', $yesNoAR, $_POST['OC_authorOneContact']) . '
Auto set Author 1 as contact author and hide Contact ID field on submission form
' . generateRadioOptions('OC_editAcceptedOnly', $yesNoAR, $_POST['OC_editAcceptedOnly']) . '
Restrict Edit Submission to accepted submissions only
'; if (oc_hookSet('set-config-fileupload')) { foreach ($GLOBALS['OC_hooksAR']['set-config-fileupload'] as $hook) { require_once $hook; } } else { print '
Files (collapse)
'; } print '
Localization (collapse)
Selecting multiple languages will enable a menu on the main OpenConf page to select one\'s language choice. Both ' . oc_strtolower(OCC_WORD_AUTHOR) . ' and reviewer pages are then displayed in the selected language. For additional information, or to assist with translations, visit www.OpenConf.com/translate/.' . (function_exists('gettext') ? '' : ' PHP must have gettext enabled.') . '
'; oc_replaceCKEditor(array('OC_homePageNotice', 'OC_reviewerSignUpNotice', 'OC_committeeFooter', 'OC_programSignUpNotice', 'OC_paperSubNote', 'OC_subConfirmNotice')); printFooter(); ?>