Show Count Only

'; if ($OC_configAR['OC_paperAdvocates']) { $options = ''; print '

'; } if (!isset($_REQUEST['s']) || empty($_REQUEST['s']) || ($_REQUEST['s'] == "topic")) { $sortby = ($OC_configAR['OC_topicDisplayAlpha'] ? '`short`, `topicname`' : '`topicid`') . ', `reviewerid`'; $topicsortstr = 'Topic ' . $OC_sortImg; $memberidsortstr = 'ID'; $membernamesortstr = 'Name'; } elseif ($_REQUEST['s'] == "memberid") { $sortby = "`reviewerid`"; $topicsortstr = 'Topic'; $memberidsortstr = 'ID ' . $OC_sortImg; $membernamesortstr = 'Name'; } else { // member sort $sortby = "`name_last`, `name_first`"; $topicsortstr = 'Topic'; $memberidsortstr = 'ID'; $membernamesortstr = 'Name ' . $OC_sortImg; } $q = "SELECT `" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . "`.`reviewerid`, `" . OCC_TABLE_TOPIC . "`.`topicid`, CONCAT_WS(' ', `" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . "`.`name_first`, `" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . "`.`name_last`) AS `name`, `onprogramcommittee`, `" . OCC_TABLE_TOPIC . "`.`topicname`, `" . OCC_TABLE_TOPIC . "`.`short` FROM `" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . "`, `" . OCC_TABLE_TOPIC . "`, `" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWERTOPIC . "` WHERE `" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWERTOPIC . "`.`reviewerid`=`" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . "`.`reviewerid` AND `" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWERTOPIC . "`.`topicid`=`" . OCC_TABLE_TOPIC . "`.`topicid` $cmtAdd ORDER BY " . $sortby; $r = ocsql_query($q) or err('Unable to get information '); if (ocsql_num_rows($r) == 0) { print 'No committee members with topics found.

'; } else { print ' '; $currid = null; $row = 2; // Set to 2 to handle same IDs if (!isset($_REQUEST['s']) || empty($_REQUEST['s']) || ($_REQUEST['s'] == "topic")) { while ($l = ocsql_fetch_array($r)) { if ($currid == $l['topicid']) { print ''; } else { $row = $rowAR[$row]; print ''; $currid = $l['topicid']; } print '\n"; } } else { while ($l = ocsql_fetch_array($r)) { if ($currid == $l['reviewerid']) { print ''; } else { $row = $rowAR[$row]; $currid = $l['reviewerid']; print ''; } print "\n"; } } print '
' . $topicsortstr . 'Committee Member ' . $memberidsortstr . '. ' . $membernamesortstr . '
' . safeHTMLstr(useTopic($l['short'],$l['topicname'])) . '' . $l['reviewerid'] . '. ' . safeHTMLstr($l['name']) . ''; if (($cmt != 'pc') && ($l['onprogramcommittee'] == 'T')) { print " [PC]"; } print "
' . safeHTMLstr(useTopic($l['short'],$l['topicname'])) . ' 
' . safeHTMLstr(useTopic($l['short'],$l['topicname'])) . '' . $l['reviewerid'] . '. ' . safeHTMLstr($l['name']) . ''; if (($cmt != 'pc') && ($l['onprogramcommittee'] == 'T')) { print " [PC]"; } print '
'; } printFooter(); ?>