Please correct the following:

'; } else { // Update config & status settings updateAllConfigSettings($OC_DISCUSSION_configVars, $_POST, OCC_MODULE_ID); updateAllStatusSettings($OC_DISCUSSION_statusVars, $_POST, OCC_MODULE_ID); // notify user print '

Settings Saved

'; } } $enabledOptions = '   '; $reviewerAccessOptions = '   '; $incompleteReviewAccessOptions = '   '; $overrideConflictOptions = '   '; $paperAccessOptions = '   '; $includeEmailOptions = '   '; $includeStatusOptions = '   '; $showScoreOptions = '   '; $displayReviewsOptions = '   '; $displayWithScoresOptions = '   '; print '

Discussion: ' . preg_replace("/(value=\"" . $OC_statusAR['OC_DISCUSSION_open'] . "\")/","$1 checked", $enabledOptions) . '

'; if ($OC_configAR['OC_paperAdvocates']) { print '

Reviewer Access? ' . preg_replace("/(value=\"" . $OC_configAR['OC_DISCUSSION_reviewerAccess'] . "\")/","$1 checked", $reviewerAccessOptions) . '
Selecting Yes will allow reviewers to access the discussion forums, in addition to the program committee members.

Incomplete Review Access? ' . preg_replace("/(value=\"" . $OC_configAR['OC_DISCUSSION_incompleteReviewAccess'] . "\")/","$1 checked", $incompleteReviewAccessOptions) . '
Selecting Yes will allow reviewers to access a submission\'s discussion even if they have not completed their review of that submission.

'; } else { print ' '; } print '

Override Conflicts? ' . preg_replace("/(value=\"" . $OC_configAR['OC_DISCUSSION_overrideConflict'] . "\")/","$1 checked", $overrideConflictOptions) . '
Selecting Yes will allow access to a submission\'s discussion even if the user has a conflict.

Submission Access: ' . preg_replace("/(value=\"" . $OC_configAR['OC_DISCUSSION_accessAllPapers'] . "\")/","$1 checked", $paperAccessOptions) . '
Select whether to restrict access to assigned submissions only, or permit access to all submissions (subject to the other settings above).

Include Email? ' . preg_replace("/(value=\"" . $OC_configAR['OC_DISCUSSION_includeEmail'] . "\")/","$1 checked", $includeEmailOptions) . '
Selecting Yes will link the poster\'s name to their email address.

Include Status? ' . preg_replace("/(value=\"" . $OC_configAR['OC_DISCUSSION_includeStatus'] . "\")/","$1 checked", $includeStatusOptions) . '
Selecting Yes will display the submission\'s acceptance status with options below.

Show Score? ' . preg_replace("/(value=\"" . $OC_configAR['OC_DISCUSSION_showScore'] . "\")/","$1 checked", $showScoreOptions) . '
Selecting Yes will display the submission\'s average review recommendation score.
Include Status must be enabled as well.

Display Reviews? ' . preg_replace("/(value=\"" . $OC_configAR['OC_DISCUSSION_displayReviews'] . "\")/","$1 checked", $displayReviewsOptions) . '
Selecting Yes will display the reviews beneath the thread display page.

Display with Scores? ' . preg_replace("/(value=\"" . $OC_configAR['OC_DISCUSSION_displayWithScores'] . "\")/","$1 checked", $displayWithScoresOptions) . '
Selecting Yes will display the discussion thread on the Chair\'s review (show) scores page.
