' . oc_('All Threads') . ' » ' . sprintf(oc_('Submission ID %d Discussion'), $_REQUEST['thread']) . ' » '; printHeader($hdr, $access); // Display paper info print '

' . $_REQUEST['thread'] . '. ' . safeHTMLstr($paper['title']) . '

'; // Error? if (!empty($err)) { print '

' . safeHTMLstr($err) . '

'; } // Display preview? if (isset($_POST['oc_discussion_post']) && ($_POST['oc_discussion_post'] != oc_('Post Comment'))) { print '
' . nl2br(safeHTMLstr($_POST['oc_discussion_comment'])) . '
'; } // Display post form print '
'; // Get last 5 posts $q = "SELECT `" . OCC_TABLE_MODULE_OC_DISCUSSION_POST . "`.*, CONCAT_WS(' ',`" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . "`.`name_first`, `" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . "`.`name_last`) AS `name`, `" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . "`.`email` FROM `" . OCC_TABLE_MODULE_OC_DISCUSSION_POST . "` LEFT JOIN (`" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . "`) ON (`" . OCC_TABLE_MODULE_OC_DISCUSSION_POST . "`.`accountid`=`" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . "`.`reviewerid`) WHERE `" . OCC_TABLE_MODULE_OC_DISCUSSION_POST . "`.`paperid`='" . safeSQLstr($_REQUEST['thread']) . "' ORDER BY `" . OCC_TABLE_MODULE_OC_DISCUSSION_POST . "`.`time` DESC LIMIT " . $OC_DISCUSSION_showPosts; $r = ocsql_query($q) or err('Unable to retrieve posts'); // Display posts while ($l = mysql_fetch_assoc($r)) { print '
' . strftime('%c',$l['time']) . '
' . nl2br(safeHTMLstr($l['content'])) . '
'; } //T: %1$s = UTC offset (e.g., -0400); %2$s = time print '
' . sprintf(oc_('All times are UTC %1$s. The time now is %2$s'), date('O'), strftime('%X')) . '
'; printFooter();