$tval) { if (preg_match("/^name-(\d+)$/", $tid, $tmatch) && !empty($tval)) { $q2 = "INSERT INTO " . OCC_TABLE_TOPIC . " (topicid,topicname,short) VALUES ('$j','" . safeSQLstr(substr($tval,0,250)) . "','" . safeSQLstr(substr($_POST["short-".$tmatch[1]],0,20)) . "')"; issueSQL($q2); $j++; } } // Success - if install, redirect, else let user know if (isset($_REQUEST['install']) && ($_REQUEST['install'] == 1)) { header("Location: set_status.php?install=1"); } else { print '
Options successfully updated
'; } } if (isset($_REQUEST['install']) && ($_REQUEST['install'] == 1)) { printHeader($hdr,$hdrfn); print 'Step 4 of 5: Set Topics
'; } else { print 'Note that if submissions have been made or reviewers signed up already, you should only add new topics to the end of the list or change a topic\'s name to clarify it. If you want to delete a topic in the middle of the list, replace its name with N/A or something ' . oc_strtolower(OCC_WORD_AUTHOR) . 's and reviewers will know not to select.'; } print ' '; printFooter(); ?>