\n"; } } print '
Conflicts have been unset.
'; print ''; printFooter(); exit; } $pq = "SELECT " . OCC_TABLE_CONFLICT . ".paperid, " . OCC_TABLE_CONFLICT . ".reviewerid, CONCAT_WS(' '," . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . ".name_first," . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . ".name_last) AS name, title FROM " . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . ", " . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . ", " . OCC_TABLE_CONFLICT . " WHERE " . OCC_TABLE_CONFLICT . ".paperid=" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . ".paperid AND " . OCC_TABLE_CONFLICT . ".reviewerid=" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . ".reviewerid"; if (empty($_GET['s']) || ($_GET['s'] == "pid")) { $q = $pq . " ORDER BY " . OCC_TABLE_CONFLICT . ".paperid, " . OCC_TABLE_CONFLICT . ".reviewerid"; $sortid = "paper"; $pidsort="Manually Set Conflicts:
'; $r = ocsql_query($q) or err("Unable to get information ".ocsql_errno()); if (ocsql_num_rows($r) == 0) { print 'No conflicts have been set.
'; } else { $s = substr($sortid,0,1); print ' '; } // Show auto-detected conflicts print 'Automatically Detected Conflicts: (email ' . ($OC_configAR['OC_allowOrgConflict'] ? '' : 'or organization ') . 'matches)
'; $q = "SELECT " . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . ".paperid, reviewerid, title, CONCAT_WS(' '," . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . ".name_first," . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . ".name_last) AS name FROM " . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . ", " . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . ", " . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . " WHERE "; $q .= OCC_TABLE_PAPER . ".paperid=" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . ".paperid AND "; $q .= "(" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . ".email=" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . ".email"; $q .= " OR (" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . ".organization<>'' AND " . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . ".organization=" . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . ".organization)"; $q .= ") GROUP BY paperid, reviewerid ORDER BY paperid, reviewerid"; $r = ocsql_query($q) or err("Unable to get auto paper/reviewer conflicts ".ocsql_errno()); if (ocsql_num_rows($r) < 1) { print 'No conflicts detected
'; } else { print 'Submission | Reviewer |
' . $l['paperid'] . '. ' . safeHTMLstr($l['title']) . ' | ' . $l['reviewerid'] .'. ' . safeHTMLstr($l['name']) . ' | '; $row = $rowAR[$row]; } print '
You may choose whether an organization match results in a conflict by changing the advanced OpenConf configuration setting OC_allowOrgConflict. Note that for a match to occur, they must be exactly the same.
'; } // Check for addt'l (hook) conflict displays if (isset($OC_hooksAR['list_conflicts-display']) && !empty($OC_hooksAR['list_conflicts-display'])) { foreach ($OC_hooksAR['list_conflicts-display'] as $hook) { print '