Title must be entered';
if (!isset($_POST['name_last']) || !preg_match("/\w/", $_POST['name_last'])) {
$err .= '
Last Name must be entered';
if (!isset($_POST['email']) || !validEmail($_POST['email'])) {
$err .= 'Email is not valid';
if (!isset($_POST['password1']) || !isset($_POST['password2']) || empty($_POST['password1'])) {
$err .= '' . oc_('Password must be entered twice') . '';
} elseif ($_POST['password1'] != $_POST['password2']) {
$err .= '' . oc_('Passwords entered do not match') . '';
if (empty($err)) {
"`title`='" . safeSQLstr($_POST['title']) . "', " .
"`password`='" . safeSQLstr(oc_password_hash($_POST['password1'])) . "', " .
"`contactid`=1, " .
"`altcontact`=' '," .
"`submissiondate`='" . safeSQLstr(date('Y-m-d')) . "'";
$r = ocsql_query($q) or err('Unable to create submission record.');
$pid = ocsql_insert_id() or err('unable to get submission ID');
"`paperid`='" . safeSQLstr($pid) . "', " .
"`position`=1, " .
"`name_first`='" . safeSQLstr(varValue('name_first', $_POST)) . "', " .
"`name_last`='" . safeSQLstr($_POST['name_last']) . "', " .
"`email`='" . safeSQLstr($_POST['email']) . "'";
if ($r = ocsql_query($q)) {
if (preg_match("/^(.*)\/chair\/create_sub\.php/", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $match)) {
$url = 'http' . ((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on')) ? 's' : '') . '://' . safeHTMLstr($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) . (ctype_digit($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) && (($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != '80')) ? (':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) : '') . $match[1] . '/author/edit.php';
} elseif (!empty($OC_configAR['OC_confURL'])) {
$url = $OC_configAR['OC_confURL'];
} else {
$url = '';
$subject = urlencode($OC_configAR['OC_confName']) . ' Submission Information';
$body = 'A submission entry to ' . $OC_configAR['OC_confName'] . ' has been created for you. Please use the following information to edit your submission' . (empty($url) ? '' : (' at ' . $url)) . '.
Submission ID: ' . $pid . '
Password: ' . $_POST['password1'];
print 'Submission ID ' . $pid . ' successfully created.
Notify ' . oc_strtolower(OCC_WORD_AUTHOR) . '
} else {
ocsql_query("DELETE FROM `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . "` WHERE `paperid`=" . $pid . " LIMIT 1");
err('Unable to add ' . oc_strtolower(OCC_WORD_AUTHOR) . ' to submission');
if (!empty($err)) {
print 'Please correct the following items. Note that the password fields must be re-entered.
print '
This form allows you to create a new submission record. It is intended to permit late submissions once New Submissions have been closed. Upon creating the submission record, provide the ' . oc_strtolower(OCC_WORD_AUTHOR) . ' with the submission ID and password, and instruct them to edit the submission. An email link will be provided upon submission of this form for contacting the ' . oc_strtolower(OCC_WORD_AUTHOR) . ' with this information.