View This Submission | View All Submissions';
} elseif ($_POST['ocaction'] == 'Submit Changes') { // check token
$pq = "SELECT `edittoken`, `edittime` FROM `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . "` WHERE `paperid`='" . safeSQLstr($_POST['pid']) . "'";
$pr = ocsql_query($pq) or err(oc_('Unable to retrieve submission (tokeninfo)'));
if (ocsql_num_rows($pr) != 1) { err(oc_('Submission ID or password entered is incorrect')); }
$pl = ocsql_fetch_assoc($pr);
if (!isset($_POST['edittoken'])
|| ($_POST['edittoken'] != $pl['edittoken'])
|| ((time() - $pl['edittime']) > (60 * 60 * $editTimeout))
) {
warn(sprintf(oc_('There is a %1$d hour timeout for editing the submission. Please edit submission once again'), $editTimeout, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
// Set number of author fields to display and populate $_POST with fields if needed
if (isset($_POST['authornum']) && ctype_digit($_POST['authornum'])) {
$oc_authorNum = $_POST['authornum'];
} else {
// get sub
$anr = ocsql_query("SELECT * FROM `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . "` WHERE `paperid`=" . safeSQLstr($_POST['pid'])) or err("Unable to retrieve submission information");
if (ocsql_num_rows($anr) != 1) {
err(oc_('Submission ID or password entered is incorrect'));
$_POST = array_merge($_POST, ocsql_fetch_assoc($anr));
// get authors
$authorCount = 0;
$anr = ocsql_query("SELECT * FROM `" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . "` WHERE `paperid`=" . safeSQLstr($_POST['pid']) . " ORDER BY `position`") or err(oc_('Unable to retrieve author(s) information'));
while ($anl = ocsql_fetch_assoc($anr)) {
foreach ($anl as $anli => $anlv) {
if (($anli == 'paperid') || ($anli == 'position')) { continue; }
$_POST[$anli . $anl['position']] = $anlv;
$authorCount = $anl['position']; // track highest position
// get topics
$anr = ocsql_query("SELECT `topicid` FROM `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPERTOPIC . "` WHERE `paperid`=" . safeSQLstr($_POST['pid'])) or err(oc_('Unable to retrieve topic(s) information'));
$_POST['topics'] = array();
while ($anl = ocsql_fetch_assoc($anr)) {
$_POST['topics'][] = $anl['topicid'];
if ( ! $OC_configAR['OC_multipleSubmissionTopics'] ) {
$_POST['topics'] = $_POST['topics'][0];
// set author num to either use min display or actual author count, whichever is greater
$oc_authorNum = (($authorCount > $OC_configAR['OC_authorsMinDisplay']) ? $authorCount : $OC_configAR['OC_authorsMinDisplay']);
// set token
if (! $chair) {
$_POST['edittoken'] = $token;
if (oc_hookSet('author-edit-preprocess')) {
foreach ($GLOBALS['OC_hooksAR']['author-edit-preprocess'] as $hook) {
require_once $hook;
require_once OCC_FORM_INC_FILE;
// Set non-editable fields to disabled if submissions closed (and it's not Chair)
if (! $chair && ! $OC_statusAR['OC_submissions_open']) {
foreach ($OC_submissionFieldAR as $fid => $far) {
if (isset($far['closeedit']) && ! $far['closeedit']) {
$OC_submissionFieldAR[$fid]['enabled'] = false;
// Update password fieldset
$OC_submissionFieldSetAR['fs_passwords']['fieldset'] = oc_('Change Password');
$OC_submissionFieldSetAR['fs_passwords']['note'] = oc_('Leave these fields blank if you do not want to change the password');
$OC_submissionFieldAR['password1']['name'] = oc_('New Password');
// Check whether we're submitting changes
if ($_POST['ocaction'] == "Submit Changes") {
if ($chair && !validToken('chair')) {
warn(oc_('Invalid submission'));
$err = '';
$errInc = '';
$qfields = array(); // fields to insert into submission table
$afields = array(); // fields to insert into authors table
$tfields = array(); // fields to insert into topics table
$fileUploaded = false;
require_once '';
// process if no errors
if (!empty($err)) {
print '' . oc_('Please check the following:') . '
} else {
$q = "UPDATE `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . "` SET `lastupdate`='" . safeSQLstr(date("Y-m-d")) . "', `edittoken`=NULL, `edittime`=NULL";
foreach ($qfields as $qid => $qval) {
$q .= ", `" . $qid . "`=" . $qval;
$q .= " WHERE `paperid`=" . safeSQLstr($_POST['pid']);
$r = ocsql_query($q) or err(oc_('Unable to update submission'));
$q = "DELETE FROM `" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . "` WHERE `paperid`=" . safeSQLstr($_POST['pid']);
$r = ocsql_query($q) or err(oc_('Unable to update authors or topics (2)'));
foreach ($afields as $qid => $qar) {
$q = "INSERT INTO `" . OCC_TABLE_AUTHOR . "` SET `paperid`=" . $_POST['pid'] . ", `position`=" . $qid;
foreach ($qar as $qqid => $qqval) {
$q .= ", `" . $qqid . "`=" . $qqval;
$r = ocsql_query($q) or err(oc_('Unable to add one or more authors or topics.'));
if (!empty($tfields)) {
$q = "DELETE FROM " . OCC_TABLE_PAPERTOPIC . " WHERE paperid='".$_POST['pid']."'";
$r = ocsql_query($q) or err(oc_('Unable to update topics'));
$q = "INSERT INTO `" . OCC_TABLE_PAPERTOPIC . "` (`paperid`,`topicid`) VALUES";
foreach ($tfields as $t) {
$q .= " (" . safeSQLstr($_POST['pid']) . ",$t),";
$r = ocsql_query(rtrim($q, ',')) or err(oc_('Unable to add topics'));
$mailbody = oc_('Submission ID') . ': ' . $_POST['pid'] . "\n\n" . oc_genFieldMessage($OC_submissionFieldSetAR, $OC_submissionFieldAR, $_POST);
$mailsubject = sprintf(oc_('Submission Update ID %s'), $_POST['pid']);
$confirmmsg = '' . oc_('The submission has been updated. Below is the information submitted.') . '
' . safeHTMLstr($mailbody) . '
if (! $chair) {
$confirmmsg .= '' . sprintf(oc_('A copy has also been emailed to the contact author. If you notice any problems or do not receive the email within 24 hours, please contact the Chair.'), $OC_configAR['OC_pcemail'], $_POST['pid']) . '
if (oc_hookSet('author-edit-save')) {
foreach ($GLOBALS['OC_hooksAR']['author-edit-save'] as $hook) {
require_once $hook;
//confirm it
print $confirmmsg;
if (! $chair) {
sendEmail($contactemail, $mailsubject, $mailbody, $OC_configAR['OC_notifyAuthorEdit']);
} // else no $err
} // if Submit Changes
// Display form
print '
} // if Submission
// display login form by default
print '
' . sprintf(oc_('There is a %d hour limit to complete updates'), $editTimeout) . '