Vitae |
Personal information |
Alexandru-Mihail, MOREGA, Professor |
Contact data |
Department of Electrical Machines,
Materials and Drives, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, National University
of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest Department of Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Faculty of Medical Engineering, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest |
Address |
Splaiul Independenţei no. 313, sector 1, 060042 |
Telephone |
+40 21 4029153 |
|, |
Nationality |
Romanian |
Web page | |
Positions |
of Electrical Machines, Materials and Drives, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (1998-) Doctoral
adviser, Engineering Sciences, Electrical Engineering (1999-) Corresponding Member, Romanian Academy, Engineering
Sciences Section (2012-), member of the Section Board (2014-) Member,
Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania (ASTR), Section of Electrotechnics,
Energetics (CM 2012-2017, M 2017-), Secretary of the section (2012-2024) Coordinator,
Biomedical Commission, Engineering Sciences, Romanian Academy (2014-) Associated
researcher, “Gheorghe Mihoc – Caius Iacob” Institute of Statistical Mathematics and Applied
Mathematics, Romanian Academy (1995-2020); Associated Researcher (2020-) Member
of the Senate, UPB (2002-2020) Member
of the Engineering Panel (2018-), Member of the Research Fellow Scheme (RFS),
Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS), Science, Technology, Engineering,
Mathematics (STEM), CRF (CRPG/CREG), Area of Excellence (AoE)
and Strategic Topics Grants (STG) (2020-) the Hong Kong Research Grants
Committee EU
Commission, Science Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) —
Scientific Advice Mechanism (2018-2020) Honorary
Member, Scientific Council of ICPE-CA (2009-) Vice-president,
National Society for Medical Engineering and Biomedical Technology (SNIMTB)
(2010-2016) Member,
Commission for Electrical Engineering and Energetics – National Council for
the Accreditation of Doctoral Theses and Academic Titles (CNATDCU), Ministry
for Education, Research, and Innovation (2005-2016) Member
of the Scientific Council, the International Centre for Heat and Mass
Transfer (ICHMT) (2010-) Chief
Editor and member of the editorial board, Revue Roumaine
des Sciences Techniques: Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique – founded in 1954, INSPEC since 1954, and ISI
since 2007 |
Professional education and training |
Dates |
1980– |
Occupation or position held |
From Assistant Professor to Professor (1980-) |
Main activities and responsibilities |
Professional education and research activities. PhD advisor since 1998 (21 Doctoral Theses). |
Employer |
National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei no. 313, sector 6, 060042, Bucharest, Romania |
Type of business or sector |
Professional education, research / university |
Dates |
1990–1993 |
Title of qualification awarded |
Ph.D / Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering |
Principal subjects |
Mechanical Engineering / research, design |
Organization |
Duke University, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Durham, NC, USA / Graduate studies, engineering |
Level |
Graduate studies |
Dates |
1981–1987 |
Title of qualification awarded |
Doctorate / Doctor in engineering, Electrotechnics |
Principal subjects |
Electrical Engineering / research, design |
Organization |
The Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Faculty of Electrotechnics / Graduate studies, engineering |
Level |
Graduate studies, engineering |
Dates |
1974–1980 |
Title of qualification awarded |
License and Master of Sciences / Engineer, Master of Sciences in EE |
Principal subjects |
Electrical engineering / research, design |
Organization |
The Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Faculty of Electrotechnics / Undergraduate (license) and Graduate (MSc) studies, engineering |
Level |
Undergraduate and graduate studies, engineering |
Dates |
1970–1974 |
Title of qualification awarded |
Higher education / Baccalaureate |
Principal subjects |
Theoretical Lyceum / mathematics –
physics, general education |
Organization |
school, gymnasium: Vasile Alecsandri, Bucharest;
“Mihai Viteazul” Lyceum in Bucharest |
Level |
Baccalaureate |
Organizational skills and competences |
Director, Doctoral School of Electrical Engineering, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (2012-2024) Director, Department of Bioengineering and Biotechnology, the Faculty of Medical Engineering, National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (2002-2008, ad interim 2008-2012) Member, Editorial board, Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, series A (2012-) Chair, Romanian Chapter IEEE – Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (2007–) Vice-president, National Society of Medical Engineering and Biologic Technology, Romania (2007-2016) CNCSIS, Engineering sciences committee, member (2006–2011) CNATDCU – Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and sports, member of the electrical engineering committee (2006-2016) Member of the Scientific Committee, International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT) (2010-) |
Technical skills and competences |
Research development, professional education. (1) Design, optimization, mathematical modeling and numerical in electrical engineering – electromagnetic fields; biomedical applications. (2) Design, optimization, mathematical modeling and numerical in heat and mass processes. (3) Energy conversion and sources; biomedical applications. (4) Structural optimization in engineering – a constructal approach. Senior member, IEEE – Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society and Industry Applications Society (1990–2021), life senior member (2021-). ASME member (1990–2021), life member (2021-). IEEE Chair of the IEEE-ATEE 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023, 2025 International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering. Member of the Management Committee of the EU COST Action BM0701 (2008-2012). Member of the Romanian standardization Technical Committee CT22 (Electro-medical equipment). Member in several doctoral dissertation evaluation commissions. Scientific reviewer for technical and program committees at several international conferences (IEEE OPTIM 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, BIOSIGNALS 2008, 2009, MediTech 2007, 2009, EHB 2007, 2009, 2011, etc.) and for international peer review journals (Rev. Roum. Sci.Tech. – Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique, Rom. J. of Biophysics, J. of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications Progress in Electromagnetic Research, Buletinul UPB, etc.). Senior researcher – „Gheorghe Mihoc – Caius Iacob” Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Romanian Academy (1995–2020); Associate Researcher (2020-). Chief Editor (2019-) Rev. Roum. Sci.Tech. – Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique. |
Visiting Researcher (2005, 2006, 2007), Center for Advanced Power Systems (CAPS), Florida
State University & Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
(FAMU-FSU), High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Tallahassee, FL, USA Visiting Researcher (2001), Laboratoires d’Electrotechnique
de Grenoble, LEG, France Visiting Professor (2001), Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
Energy Division, Yamaguchi University, Tokiwadai,
Ube, 755, Japan Visiting Researcher (2000), Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke
University, Durham, NC, USA Associated Professor (1995-1996), Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
Energy Division, Yamaguchi University, Tokiwadai,
Ube, 755, Japan Visiting Researcher (1994), Dept. of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA |
Research areas of interest |
Engineering and Technology in
Medicine and Biology Constructal law and applications, structural
optimization Electromagnetism, electric and
magnetic circuits – theory, applications, mathematical, analytical, and
numeric modeling Heat and mass transfer processes
and interactions circuits – theory, applications, mathematical, analytical,
and numerical modeling Energy conversion and sources Nonlinear dynamics Multiphysics problems |
Technical and professional activities |
Foundation of the Faculty of Medical
Engineering, UPB – Coordinator and ad
interim dean (2010-12) Foundation of the Department of
Bioengineering and Biotechnology, at UPB (2002) – Coordinator and director
(2002-2012) Foundation of BIOINGTEH –
Platform for professional R&D, UPB – CNCSIS at the Department of
Bioengineering and Biotechnology, UPB (2006) – director (2006-) Foundation of the Laboratory for
Electrical Engineering in Medicine, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
UPB (1998) Foundation of the Laboratory for
Energy Conversion and Sources, at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, UPB
(2008) Founding member of IEEE – EMB
national chapter; National Society of Medical
Engineering and Biologic Technology The first laboratory installation
for unidirectional solidification for in
situ metallic composite materials –Bridgmann-Stockbarger
method; first composite materials (Bi-MnBi, Ni-AlNi alloys) (1981-1987) The first forming installation in magnetic field – lost foam casting (1982) |
Computer skills and competences |
Expertise in the usage of R&D media for mathematical and numerical modeling, numerical simulation, data acquisition and processing, control, desktop publishing, e-learning – graduate studies, trainings, and personal experience. |
and organizational competences |
Doctoral School of Electrical Engineering, UPB (2012-2024) Head, Chair of Electrical
Machines, Materials and Drives, UPB (2008-2012) Dean (ad interim) – Faculty of Medical Engineering, UPB (2010-2012) Director, Department of
Bioengineering and Biotechnology, UPB (2002-2012) Preşedinte, Comisia
de Inginerie Biomedicală,
Secţia de Ştiinţe Tehnica, Academia Română
(2019-) President of “Patrimoniu”
Foundation of the Romanian Academy (2021-) |
Driving license |
Romania, B-category, 1974 |
Additional information |
Publications, patents,
grants |
Over 400 papers in peer reviewed journals
(over 120) and conferences (over 240 international, over 60 national);
14 books (e.g., Academic Press) and chapters in books (e.g., Academic
Press); 4 books translated in Romanian (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2000; John
Wiley, 2008, DobleDay 2013, Springer 2020); 6
textbooks; 7 patents; 36 reports; 25 international scientific seminars and
lectures; H-index (ISI): 15; advisor for 21 defended theses; 70 research
grants (principal investigator 36, investigator 34). |
Awards, Diplomas, Medals |
Diploma of Bronze Medal, for “Power
generation system by photovoltaic conversion, with antireflective coating,
EUROINVENT, 11 ed., 2019, Iaşi,
Romania. Diploma of Gold Medal, for
“Rotary piezoelectric motor with double contact”, EUROINVENT, 10th Edition,
May 19, 2018, Iaşi,
Romania. Diploma of Excellence & Trophy
INCDMTM, PROINVENT XVI Edition, 21-23 Martie, 2018,
Cluj-Napoca. Diploma of Excellence & Gold
Medal with Special Mention for “Transformator
planar cu nanofluid magnetic”, PROINVENT, 21-23 March Edition, 2018,
Cluj-Napoca. “TUDOR
TANASESCU” award, Romanian Academy – awarded in 2000 for 1998. “HENRI COANDĂ” award, Romanian Academy – awarded in
2022 for 2020 (co-author of awarded book) Silver Medal,
“Magnetostrictive sonic motor with electronic
module drive”, The World Exhibition on Inventions, Research and New
Technologies, Innova Brussels, 17- 19 Nov. 2016 Commemorative Medal and Diploma, 65 years of ICPE-CA,
164/25.11.2015. IEEE Certificate of Appreciation,
“In grateful recognition of 25 years of service as an IEEE member”,
4 December 2015 Gold Medal
and Diploma of Excellence,
International Fair PROINVENT, XIII editon, 2015,
Cluj-Napoca, MEDCS, ASTR –Cluj Branch, for “Sonic Magnetostrictive
Motor with Electronic Drive Module” Diploma of Excellence
ASTR, Technical Sciences Academy of Romania (ASTR) International Fair
PROINVENT, Cluj-Napoca, 25-27 March 2015. Bronze Medal,
International Fair, Geneva, 20 April 2012, for Moteur Electrique synchrone
supraconducteur, Patent Number: RO126815-A0,
OSIM. Silver Medal
at “Inventica” Fair, Bucharest, 5-8 October 2011,
for Transformer with magnetic nanofluid
agent, Patent Number: RO126613-A0, OSIM, România. Best poster award,
2010, COMSOL Conference Versailles, France. Best new IEEE-EMBS Chapter –
2007 for the National Chapter IEEE-EMB. Diploma of Excellence
for the contributions brought to the development and performances of the
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, awarded by UPB Senate, 10 May 2012. Diploma
of Excellence, at the 90 years anniversary of electrotechnics education at
UPB, 12 May 2011. |
Professional associations
and organizations |
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (1990-), life
Senior Member. Engineering in Medicine
and Biology Society (EMBS) – founding member of the National Chapter (2007-). Industry
Applications Society – founding member of the National Chapter (2010-). The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME – HTD) (1990-). The
International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT) (2010-). Duke University Alumni Association (DUAA) (1993-). National Geographic Society (2000-). National Society
for Medical Engineering and Biomedical Technology, founding member and
vice-president (2010-2016), Member
(2010-). |
Other data |
Reviewer for scientific journals (Royal
Society, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques: Serie Electrotechnique et Energetique
etc.) – more than 30 periodicals External reviewer, Hong Kong
Research Grants Council (2012-2020) Member of the Engineering Panel,
Hong Kong Research Grants Council (2018-) EU Commission, Science Advice for
Policy by European Academies (SAPEA) — Scientific Advice Mechanism Chair and editor of the Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE),
editions VII – XI (2011 – 2023), international IEEE, ASTR conference,
ISI-CPCI indexed Editor the Constructal
Law Conference: “Constructal Law and Second Law” (2017),
Romanian Academy, “Freedom, Design and Evolution”, Torino, and “Design in
Nature and Evolution (2024), Romanian Academy Chair and editor, Symposium of
Electrical Machines (SME), annual editions 2008-2023, IEEE, ASTR Organizer, National contest
„Prof. Marcel Roşculeţ”, Mathematics for Electrical
Engineering –XI, XII, classes, The Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Department of Mathematics (Faculty of Applied Sciences), “Gh.
Mihoc – C. Iacob”
Institute of Statistical Mathematics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian
Academy, National Society of Mathematics (since 2011, each year) –
technically co-sponsored by IEEE, Romania Section. |