" . $OC_sortImg; $psort='Submission'; $rsort='Reviewer'; $ridsort='R-ID'; } elseif ($_GET['s'] == "paper") { $q = $pq . " ORDER BY " . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . ".title, " . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . ".reviewerid"; $sortid = "paper"; $pidsort='S-ID'; $psort="Submission
" . $OC_sortImg; $rsort='Reviewer'; $ridsort='R-ID'; } elseif ($_GET['s'] == "rid") { $q = $pq . " ORDER BY " . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . ".reviewerid, " . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . ".paperid"; $sortid = "reviewer"; $pidsort='S-ID'; $psort='Submission'; $rsort='Reviewer'; $ridsort="R-ID
" . $OC_sortImg; } elseif ($_GET['s'] == "reviewer") { $q = $pq . " ORDER BY " . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . ".name_last, " . OCC_TABLE_REVIEWER . ".name_first, " . OCC_TABLE_PAPER . ".paperid"; $sortid = "reviewer"; $pidsort='S-ID'; $psort='Submission'; $rsort="Reviewer
" . $OC_sortImg; $ridsort= 'R-ID'; } else { err("Unknown sort source"); } $r = ocsql_query($q) or err("Unable to get information ".ocsql_errno()); if (ocsql_num_rows($r) == 0) { print 'No review assignments have been made yet.

'; } else { $s = substr($sortid,0,1); print '

'; if ($s == "p") { print '
R-ID – Show review
'; } else { print '
S-ID – Show review
'; } print '
Reviewer – Show Reviewer info
Submission – Show Submission info

Review Status:           Marked as Complete            Started            Not Yet Saved
'; if (isset($OC_reviewQuestionsAR['recommendation'])) { print '

Recommendation: '; foreach ($OC_reviewQuestionsAR['recommendation']['values'] as $k => $v) { print '(' . $k . ') ' . (preg_match('/:/', $v) ? substr($v,0,strpos($v,':')) : $v) . '   '; } print '
'; } print '

'; if (isset($OC_reviewQuestionsAR['recommendation'])) { print ''; } print ' '; $currid = -1; $row = 1; while ($l = ocsql_fetch_array($r)) { if ($l['completed'] == "F" ) { if ($l['updated']) { $reccolor = ' bgcolor="#ffffcc"'; } else { $reccolor = ' bgcolor="#ffcccc"'; } } elseif (isset($l['completed'])) { $reccolor = ' bgcolor="#ccffcc"'; } else { $reccolor = ''; } if ($sortid == "reviewer") { $pidbg = $reccolor; $ridbg = ""; $ptags = ''; $rtags = ''; } else { $pidbg = ""; $ridbg = $reccolor; $ptags = ''; $rtags = ''; } $blanktags = ''; if ($currid != $l[$sortid.'id']) { if ($currid != -1) { if ($row==1) { $row=2; } else { $row=1; } } $currid = $l[$sortid.'id']; } else { if ($sortid == "reviewer") { $rtags = $blanktags; } else { $ptags = $blanktags; } } print '' . $ptags; if (isset($OC_reviewQuestionsAR['recommendation'])) { print ''; }; print $rtags . ''; print "\n"; } print '
' . $pidsort . '' . $psort . 'Recomm.' . $ridsort . '' . $rsort . 'UAR
'.$l['paperid'].'' . safeHTMLstr($l['title']) . '' . $l['reviewerid'] . '' . safeHTMLstr($l['name']) . ''.$l['paperid'].'' . safeHTMLstr($l['title']) . ''.$l['reviewerid'].'' . safeHTMLstr($l['name']) . '  
' . $l['recommendation'] . ' '; if (empty($l['reviewerid'])) { print ' '; } else { print ''; } print '
'; } printFooter(); ?>